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MGIMS launches 'Cycles on Campus' initiative

MGIMS launches 'Cycles on Campus' initiative

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram launched the “cycles on campus” initiative to create a green and physically active campus that encourages students, faculties and staff to drive less and use the cycles to commute within the campus.

On 11 and 12 March 2016 the institute organized a Cycle Mela in which the cycle vendors from Nagpur showcased their cycles and helped the students, faculty and staff to pick one best suited to them.

Thirty-five different types of cycles were displayed to whet the appetite of the enthusiasts. Cycle brands like Trek, Merida, Marin, Bergamont and Firefox—cycles that fit every budget, needs, interests and fitness—caught the eyes of cycle lovers. The unique set of galvanizing gears, the soothing saddles, the heady handlebars and the colourful frames of the cycles brought a spark in the eyes of the visitors. The vendors were seen patiently answering all the technical as well as aesthetic details of the cycles. The cycle lovers took as many test rides as they needed before discovering what the best bike was for them.

Around three months back, the Academy of Medical Sciences at MGIMS had hosted a talk on Why, What and How of bicycling. Bicycling began to emerge as a safe, healthy, and environmentally responsible means of transportation in Sevagram and several members of the faculty and students took up cycling. To promote cycling, MGIMS shall soon help students and the staff acquire cycles at a discounted price and shall also offer them interest- free loans.

Amongst hundreds of people who visited the camp, twenty students and members of faculty stepped forward to make pedalling a new way of their life. This group has sent out a strong message urging others to get up and ride cycle to make Sevagram a beautiful village to live in.

Dr. Ashwini Kalantri, Assistant Professor of Department of Community Medicine and a randonneur, who has relentlessly tried to push the cycling activity in the campus expressed his profound gratitude to the management for their esteemed support and cooperation. “MGIMS has always been different and by adopting a clean and green campus, the institute has set an example for others to follow. I am proud of being the part of the institute”, he added.





Swachhata Pakhwada April 2024
Last Modified: Saturday 08 February 2025.

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