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Workshop on Introduction to EHR Standards conducted

Workshop on Introduction to EHR Standards conducted

On 19th July 2017, a workshop on Introduction to EHR Standards was conducted in Sarojini Naidu Hall as a part of Academy of Medical Sciences activity. The workshop was organized in collaboration with National Resource Centre for EHR Standards (NRCeS), C-DAC Pune.

24 residents and faculty from the institute participated in the workshop.  Mrs. Manisha Mantri from NRCeS team briefly covered the need for EHR standards, their benefits, initiatives of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoH&FW), Government of India towards establishing a system for interoperable Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in the country.

EHR standards for Architecture and Data Content, Information Exchange, and Access and Security were also covered. The sections in the guideline on Data Ownership of Health Records, Protected Health Information, As-Is Principal, etc. were also discussed among the participants. Section of the workshop was focused on providing Introduction to SNOMED CT and SNOMED CT basics including SNOMED CT Concepts, 19 hierarchy and basis of forming those hierarchy followed by demonstration to Browse SNOMED CT Content and demonstration of Clinical search and data entry. The participants were actively involved in searching, filtering, and discussing various clinical concepts in SNOMED CT used in their day to day activities.

Difference between ICD-10 and SNOMED CT on the basis of Scope, Granularity, Use and Purpose was explained to the participants.  Mrs. Manisha Mantri demonstrated SNOMED CT to ICD-10 mapping using CSNOtk which can help in converting SNOMED CT codes to ICD-10. Participants volunteered in trying different examples for checking SNOMED CT to ICD mapping. Followed by the sessions, an open discussion was held on various queries from the participants.

“Such workshop and training initiatives by MoH&FW and NRCeS are vital parts towards standardizing eHealth in the country”, said Dr BS Garg (Secretary, Kasturba Health Society) while sharing his thoughts on the workshop and EHR Standards in India. He emphasized that it is necessary to spread awareness about EHR standards in the healthcare community. He suggested that few sessions on EHR and EHR Standards in the curriculum for PG students would be very beneficial as these students will be the future users of healthcare systems.  He assured that MGIMS will always support these initiatives and look forward for more such workshops for there HIS staff and PG students in future.

Dr Rahul Narang (President, Academy of Medical Sciences) took the opportunity to thank everyone present. Dr Ashwini Kalantri (coordinator, Workshop) expressed his gratitude towards the C-DAC team for their  valuable guidance in the learning process.

Swachhata Pakhwada April 2024
Last Modified: Wednesday 22 January 2025.

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