As part of the ongoing Golden Jubilee Year celebrations, CME and Hands on Workshop on 'Recent Advances in Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy' was conducted by Department of Ophthalmology & Medicine, MGIMS in Sarojini Naidu Hall, MGIMS, Sewagram on 18th November 2018. The workshop was conducted with support from the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust,UK and Public Health Foundation of India. The CME was inaugurated by Shri.Dhirubhaji Mehta, President Kasturba Health Society. Dr BS Garg (Secretary, Kasturba Health Society), Dr N Gangane (Dean, MGIMS), Dr SP Kalantri (Medical Superintendent, Kasturba Hospital) were also present in the inaugural function. Organising Chairman of the workshop was Dr.A K Shukla (Head of Ophthalmology), Organising Secretary was Dr.Jyoti Jain (Head of Medicine) and MMC observer was Dr.Vinod Adhlakiya (a renowned Ophthalmology from Wardha).
Recent Advances in Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy
117 doctors participated in the Workshop.Hands on Workshop was held for how to examine fundus using Direct Ophthalmoscope. Various guest lectures on recent advances in Diabetes & Diabetic Retinopathy were held along with panel Discussion by Endocrinologist - Dr.Parimal Tayde , Vitreo-Retinal Surgeons - Dr Soham Lohiya, Dr Shashank Banait along with interactive case discussions.