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National Symposium on Genetics & Genomics in Human Health Diseases conducted

National Symposium on Genetics & Genomics in Human Health Diseases conducted

7th-8th December- The Centre for Genetics and Genomics of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (MGIMS), Sevagram organized a National Symposium on Genetics & Genomics in Human Health and Diseases on 7th & 8th December 2018. The symposium created a platform where specialist from India and abroad discussed upcoming need  of molecular genetics, cytogentics and biochemical genetics in providing novel insights into the biology of human health and diseases. Genetics is the science of heredity that studies the characteristics of an individual passed on from generations after generations. Our health status is scripted and programmed in the DNA, the basic biomolecule that  dictates all the processes in life. It is said that all diseases are genetic in origin and to know their etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, understanding of genetics is a must.  

Dr. Deelip Mhaiseka, Honorable Vice-chancellor of Maharashtra University of Medical Sciences, Nashik was the chief guest for the inauguration  and  Shri. Dhirubhaiji Mehta, President, Kasturba Health Society presided over the function. At the inaugural ceremony, Dr. Nitin Gangane welcomed the guests and the delegates. Shri. Dhirubhaiji Mehta  in his Presidential address expressed his views regarding the role of genetics in human health and research and emphasized that in the  21st century, it is going to be the subject for all branches of medicine. “Take up some good work in genomics and the University shall readily fund the research”, said Dr Mahaisekar expressing the need to carry out extensive work in the subject. He also drew the attention of the audience towards stem cell research, its utility in therapeutics an the need to have  guidelines for stem-cell research fellowship programmes.

Dr. P Narang, organizing chairperson highlighted the theme of the symposium and also the scope and relevance of genetics research in medical sciences. She informed that MGIMS had upgraded its existing diagnostic unit on genetics into Centre for Genetics and Genomics and was now accepting referrals as no such centre was there in the whole of Vidarbha region.  Dr. A K Pal, organizing secretary, proposed the vote of thanks.

Many luminaries in the field of genetics from India and abroad attended as guest speakers. Dr. B. C. Das, very senior researcher from Amity Institute of Molecular Medicine and Stem cell Researsh, Dr. Amit Chakarvarty  from Institute of Genetic Engineering, Kolkata and Dr. Sen Pathak from M D Anderson Cancer Centre Houston, USA spoke on the emerging role of genetics in diagnosis and treatment of  cancer and aging.

Importance of genetics in reproductive disorders and male infertility was highlighted by  Dr.  Ashutosh Haldar  from AIIMS, New Delhi and  Dr. Deepak Modi from National Institute for Reproductive Health, Mumbai. Dr Suchita Mundle with her panelists  discussed the issues of primary amenorrhoea  in relation to genetics.

 The new modalities available for diagnosis were discussed by Dr. Ashwin Dalal from Centre for DNA fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad along with  Dr. Nitin Ganagane, Sevagram and Dr. Ranjana Srivastava from Lucknow.  Dr. Sudipa Chakarvarty ,Institute of Genetic Engineering, Kolkata, presented extensive data on thalassaemia and haemoblobinopathies while  Dr. Deepti Suri, PGI, Chandigarh spoke on Mendalian susceptibility in mycobacterial disorders. Dr. Nandini Gokulchandran from Neuro Gen Brain & Spine Insitute Mumbai illustrated the therapeutic  importance of stem cell in neurological disorders. Brig. Gen Dr. Ahasan Habib ,AFMC, Dhaka touched on Dermatoglyphics  and  Dr A. K. Pal MGIMS, Sevagram,  elaborated on chromosomal disorders in human health and disease. Dr. R. Dhanireddy from University of Tennesses, USA spoke on pharmacogenomics in new borns.

A book on Genetics & Genomics sciences authored by Dr. Amit Chakaravarty was released during inaugural function at the hands of Dr. Sen Pathak.

Dr. Ruchi Kothari and Dr. Ruchita Attal compered the sessions and at the time of the valedictory session Dr. P Narang and Dr. Pal expressed their gratitude to the speakers, delegates and all involved in the symposium.



Swachhata Pakhwada April 2024
Last Modified: Wednesday 22 January 2025.

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