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MGIMS Surgeons perform a Supra-Major surgery

A team of MGIMS surgeons recently performed a total trans-hiatal esophago-gastrectomy of a life-threatening gangrene. A 48 year old female with stomach and esophageal gangrene got referred to Kasturba Hospital. The patient had accidentally consumed a copious amount of toilet cleaner and succumbed to secondary to grade-IV corrosive injury.

Dr Priyadarshan Jategaonkar, (Gastro-Surgeon) with the help of Dr Dilip Gupta (Director-Professor and Head of Surgery) and their team performed the complicated surgery which lasted for around 5 hours. Excision of the gangrenous esophagus by the trans-hiatal route (dissecting from the abdominal cavity through the posterior mediatinum up to the neck), without injuring any thoracic organs like heart, trachea-bronchial tree and major vessels, was done.  The procedure successfully concluded with a cervical end-esophagostomy and a feeding jejunostomy.

The surgical team also comprised of Dr Siddharth Rao, Dr Prutha, Dr Sushil, Dr Sohank and Dr Shubhashree. The anesthesia team comprising Dr Nikhil and Dr Pawan played a significant role in this endeavor.

“Of course we are happy for the timely intervention. The patient’s relatives were satisfied as our team could offer her the best at the time the patient needed it the most. Such a major operation is always a teamwork and the entire credit goes not only to my surgical and the anesthesia teams but also to our operation theater staff and assistants. It is indeed a proud moment for the entire MGIMS family”, quipped Dr Jategaonkar.

Swachhata Pakhwada April 2024
Last Modified: Wednesday 22 January 2025.

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