Secretary, Kasturba Health Society, Sevagram Dist. Wardha (MS) invites applications for the following posts with the prescribed proforma (download the form here)
Associate Professor- Surgery (ST-1) & Anaesthesiology (Open-1)
Assistant Professor- Biochemistry (ST-1), Medicine (Open-3 & SC-1), Surgery (Open-2), Anaesthesiology (Open-2), ENT (ST-1), Radiodiagnosis (Open-1 & ST-1)
Qualification: MBBS with NMC recognized Post-graduate Degree in concerned subject.
Experience : One year experience as Senior Resident as per NMC norms.
PAY SCALE : As per Rules of Kasturba Health Society
The applicant should send their application alongwith the prescribed proforma a (download the form here) to the Secretary, Kasturba Health Society, Sevagram. Dist. Wardha, MS by email ( latest by 28/06/2024 at 10 AM. Candidates should attend a walk in Interview with original documents on 29/06/2024 at 9.00 AM in the Committee room of Dean’s Office MGIMS, Sevagram.