Our Vision

Mission Statement

In the spirit of its Founder, the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram is committed to pursuit of exemplary standards of professional excellence in medical education, research and clinical care by evolving a pattern of integrating value-based medical education with accessible and affordable health care, especially to underprivileged rural communities.


The vision of the institute is to develop a replicable model of community oriented medical education which is responsive to the changing needs of our country and is rooted in an ethos of professional excellence.

The mission and vision translate into following objectives:

Medical Education

  • To evolve an integrated pattern of medical education
  • To provide value-based and cost-effective medical education with a community oriented approach
  • To teach and train doctors with a focus on rural orientation

Health Service

  • To provide state-of-the-art health care facilities at affordable cost
  • To evolve a comprehensive health care delivery system consonant to the needs of the communities
  • To empower the community by involving them in their own health care
  • To provide accessible and affordable health care, primarily to underprivileged rural communities


  • To conduct appropriate and community-based research on priority health issues
Last Modified: Wednesday 22 January 2025.

Copyright © 1969 - 2024 Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences