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Kasturba Hospital Citizens’ Charter

General Information

Kasturba Hospital is a multispecialty teaching hospital located at Sevagram, Wardha, Maharashtra

  • The hospital has a total of 972 beds
  • Telephone No: +91 7152-284341 to 55
  • Toll free number 1800-233-0002

Guide maps, signages and display boards are installed at various strategic locations.

Website: www.mgims.ac.in contains detailed information on MGIMS and Kasturba Hospital.

Casualty and Emergency Services

Phone Number of Casualty: +91 7152-284064 ; Telephone No: +91 7152-284341 to 55 (Ext 229); Toll free number 1800-233-0002

Location: Sri Satya Sai Baba Accident and Emergency Canter

Casualty and emergency services are available 24 hour a day, throughout the year.

Anyone with urgent medical problem can seek consultation/treatment in the casualty.

If doctors decide that you need urgent medical intervention, you will be registered at the casualty registration counter and proper medical care will be provided promptly.

The Casualty has dedicated team of doctors (Casualty Medical Officers. Residents and Faculty from Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics and Pediatrics), Nurses, Paramedics and Orderlies etc. to provide urgent medical services.

We endeavour to provide medical care (including investigation & treatment) at the earliest possible time. However, in view of workload in casualty, patients who do not present with urgent problems may have to wait for some time.

The treating doctors will call any specialist/super-specialist, who is available on call for urgent consultation as and when required.

In serious cases treatment/management gets priority over paper work like Registration/Medico-Legal requirements.

The casualty is fully equipped with all modern equipment ECG machine, monitors, ventilators, nebulizers, defibrillators, infusion pumps, pulse oximeters, central Oxygen supply and suction etc.

All urgent tests like biochemical tests, Blood Gas Analysis, ECG, USG, X-ray, and C.T. Scan are available round the clock. The MRI scan is available between 9 am and 5 pm.

Facilities like Wheel Chairs & patient trolleys are available at the entrance of casualty.

Out Patient Department (OPD) Services

OPD Consultation Time: 8.00 am to 5.00 pm with 24 hrs. emergency

OPD Card costing Rs 20 can be obtained from main registration counter. After this, you should get yourself registered at the counter of respective OPDs. On subsequent visits, the OPD stamping is done for Rs 10.

All new patients coming to avail outdoor facility are required to go to General OPD (Room No. 7) where patients with minor ailments are treated. If the patient requires referral to a specialist OPD, the doctor in General OPD will help in deciding the specialty department you need to consult.

However, every patient has right to consult any doctor/ consultant.

Patients are seen on first come first serve basis. However, out of turn consultation may be provided in case of emergency or to senior citizens.


After OPD consultation, the treating doctor will electronically raise the required investigations.

Sample collection centre for Blood, Urine, Stool etc. is in Room No 24

Sample Collection Timings are: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.and 2 p.m to 5 p.m.

The report can be collected from the registration counter

Patients should deposit money only at the designated hospital cash counters and obtain proper receipt.

Due to work load, waiting period exists for certain investigations such as MRI, CT, and USG etc. Patients are given future dates by the concerned departments. However, these may be done out of turn in urgent situations, on recommendation of the treating doctor.

Many facilities are provided at OPD level e.g. ECG, Plaster, Injection and Immunization, Contraception and MTP Services, Minor Surgical Intervention, Physiotherapy etc.

Medical fitness / Medical examination and other such certificates are issued after paying the requisite fees. For this purpose contact your treating doctor.

The decision to admit a patient rests with the treating doctor. The patient will be admitted only if a vacant bed is available. But, in case of emergency, out of turn admission may be done.

Wheel chairs, patient trolleys etc. are available free of charge at the entrance of OPD.

You should park your vehicle in the paid parking only. Otherwise it is likely to be towed away.

To meet needs of patients, there is a canteen, drinking water facility, rest rooms and washrooms in the hospital premises.

In - patient Department (IPD) Services

Patients admitted to Kasturba Hospital have to pay Rs 30 as admission charges and Rs 80/day as bed charges. This entitles them for free doctors’ consultations, linen etc.

All in-patients receive treatment by team of resident doctors and nurses, available round the clock, under the supervision and guidance of faculty members of MGIMS.

Hospital attendants are available in different wards to help in patient care and related activities.

All the ICUs are equipped with modern gadgets & equipment e.g. ventilators, monitors, defibrillators, nebulisers; central Oxygen & suction supply etc. to provide good quality medical care.

Inpatient services have portable X-ray machines, ECG services, Generator back up, emergency lights, internal telephone, chairs for attendants etc.

All inpatients are given diet as per the requirements given by the doctors.

Waste disposal is done as per the established rules (Biomedical waste management and handling rules, 1998) and utmost care is taken to keep the premises neat and clean.

Every inpatient is provided with two attendant passes.

Visitors are allowed only during notified visiting hours i.e. 12 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

All investigations are charged as per rate decided by the appropriate authorities time to time.

Bed linen is changed at the time of admission, thereafter on every alternate day and also whenever required.

Rooms in Private Wards are made available on recommendation by the treating doctors, if vacant room is available. The hospitalization charges of private room are as under:

  • AC: Rs 1000/ 1100/ 1350 day
  • Non-AC: Rs 800/900 day

Facilities provided in private ward include attached toilets & bathroom, a bed for attendant, a chair and a table.

Private ward patients are charged additionally for specific investigations, procedures, operations etc.

Operation Theatres

The institute has fully equipped modern Operation Theatres, where all kinds of major and minor surgeries are performed using the latest techniques and technology.

For routine surgeries, patients are called and operated upon as per the waiting list. But, in case of emergencies/urgencies, the out of turn surgeries are also performed, at the discretion at the treating doctors.

The patient should get his Pre-anaesthetic check up done in PAC Room No 27 before getting admitted for operation and follow the instructions given by the treating doctors.

ICU, HDU and Cath-Lab

The hospital has fully equipped 26 bed ICU equipped with ventilators,multi para-monitors,infusion pumps,defibrilators,central oxygen suction and air. The ICU is manned by residents and trained nurses and is supervised by consultants. Patients requiring urgent ICU care are admitted to ICUs at the discretion of treating doctors.

A 14 bed Maternity ICU-HDU with equipped with advanced monitoring systems and skilled nursing care is located in the ground floor of the MCH Wing.

Cath lab runs Tuesdays and Fridays, and about 5 to 6 angiographies are performed each session. Facilities for performing angioplasties also exist.A cardiac catheterization in the cath lab costs Rs 6600 for a general patient and Rs 6050 for a Kasturba Hospital-insured patient. Typically the patients are posted for angiography in the morning and are discharged by late afternoon.

Mother and Child Health Wing

The model MCH Wing houses Gynecology and Pediatric department, dedicated to the care and treatment of pregnant women, mothers, and their newborns under a single roof. The services include Prenatal Care, Labor and Delivery, Neonatal Care, Postpartum Care, Child Healthcare, Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Respected Motherhood care and Midwifery support.

Hemodialysis Unit

The hospital has 13 hemodialysis machines located near the Medicine ICU. Patients are given appointments for their maintenance hemodialysis.

Endoscopy Unit

The Endoscopy unit is located on the ground floor of the medicine building. All endoscopies are done by appointment.

Palliative Care

The Palliative care service is available in Palliative building. The service focuses on providing holistic pain and symptom management, emotional support, and assistance with complex medical decisions for end-of-life patients.

Laboratory Services

Emergency Lab - 24 hours, throughout the year, for all emergency investigations.

Routine Lab - Sample Collection Timings

All type of routine and special investigations including Biochemical, microbiological, pathology, immunology and genetic studies are done at MGIMS.

Blood Bank

MGIMS has a licensed modern, state of the art Blood Bank that functions 24 hours aday and provides facilities for blood donation, storage, issue of blood and its components. Strict precautions are taken and testing is done to prevent any blood-borne infection. If your patient requires blood transfusions, then you are requested to arrange healthy blood donors for donating blood as replacement.

MJPJAY, PMJAY, BPL and other Health Schemes

The patients can avail various health insurance schemes like MJPJAY, MPJAY, BPL as per their eligibility to avail the benefits.

Miscellaneous Facilities

Ambulance facility is available to transfer patients to other hospitals or meet any emergency/disaster situation.

The hospital accepts digital payments at various locations within the facility, including the billing counter, wards, registration, and pharmacy.

If required, patients' attendants may stay in the Athithi Gruh, after paying the prevailing charges, situated behind the Department of Psychiatry.

The E-rickshaw facility is available for seriously-ill patients, pregnant women and elderly patients. The e-rickshaw plies between the entrance of the hospital and OPD complexes.

For Divyang (specially-abled) patients, the hospital has ramps and elevators to accommodate patients using wheelchairs, walkers, or mobility aids.

The hospital has Namma bio toilets located at various locations within the campus to cater to the needs of patients and their relatives.

The hospital has ATM located near the Psychiatry building.

Complaints and Grievances

There will be occasions when our services will not be up to your expectations. Please do not hesitate to register your complaint. It will only help us serve you better.

You may lodge your complaints at the Medical Superintendent’s Office. Every complaint will be duly acknowledged and sincere attempt will be made to solve your problem.

Patient Feedback

The patients are encouraged to give their valuable feedback to help us improve our hospital services. The feedback is collected through three means: an online software, physical suggestion boxes and MeraAspatal portal. The received feedback is assessed, actions are taken, and patients are informed through SMS. We also handle in-person complaints similarly.


MGIMS has a fully functional, updated website (www.mgims.ac.in) that contains information of all departments and various services.

Responsibilities of User

The success of this charter depends on the support we receive from our users.

  • Please try to appreciate the various constraints under which the hospital is functioning. On an average, 1500-2000 patients attend the OPD and Casualty daily.
  • Please follow the rules and regulations of the hospital while inside the hospital campus.
  • Please do not cause inconvenience to other patients by crowding or making noise unnecessarily.
  • Please help us in keeping the hospital and its surroundings neat and clean.
  • Please don't argue with security guards, show your passes when asked for & help maintain the order and peace inside the hospital premises.
  • Please use the facilities of this hospital with care and do not damage/ spoil hospital property.
  • The Hospital is a No Smoking Zone.
  • Please refrain from demanding undue favors from the staff and officials.
  • Please provide useful feedback and constructive suggestions. These may be addressed to the Medical Superintendent of the Hospital.
Last Modified: Wednesday 22 January 2025.

Copyright © 1969 - 2024 Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences