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Short Term Studentship

At MGIMS, Sevagram, over the last two decades, efforts have been made to build research aptitude of undergraduate students through provision of a capacity-building workshop followed by participation in community-based group projects under Problem Solving for Better Health initiative (PSBH), and later through astructured research mentorship programme for interested students. These efforts at the institute level succeeded in building a norm, and more and more students came forward to apply for research studentships offered by Indian Council of Medical Research short-term studentship (ICMRSTS) and/or Maharashtra University of Health Sciences short term research grants (MUHS-STRG).

ICMR and MUHS short term studentships : Completed projects

Shreya Namjoshi; Guide: Dr Vinod Shende (ICMR-STS)

Study of electrophysiological parameters in hypothyroid patients

Naga Nimisha Indugu; Guide: Dr Ruchita Attal (ICMR-STS)

Culture dependent approaches among the caries pathogen isolated from the carious dentine and their emerging drug resistance

Sneha Vaidya; Guide: Dr Subodh S Gupta (ICMR-STS)

Association between father’s involvement in early child learning and social and emotional development of children

Shreyak Garg; Guide: Dr Rahul Narang

Evaluation of diagnostic yield of sample collection by PediatricEntero™ test for diagnosis of Pediatric Tuberculosis in rural tertiary care hospital in central India.

Sneha Yadav; Guide: Dr Abhishek Raut

Evaluation of association of psychosocial stress and hypertension in adults >30 years of age: A community based case-control study from rural central India.

Dr Sushila Nayar Scheme for Promotion of Undergraduate Research

In order to nurture the research culture at MGIMS further, in 2014, an annual award was instituted for undergraduate research named after our founder Director, Dr Sushila Nayar. The award session provides a platform for young researchers to hone their skills in presenting scientific research and prepares them for dissemination of research findings in scientific fora.

Beginning 2017-18, the undergraduate award was made part of a comprehensive approach to build a conducive environment for undergraduate research, known as ‘Scheme for promotion of undergraduate research’, and includes research grants, travel grants, incentives for publication of papers and periodic need based workshops in order to build the research aptitude of undergraduate students.


50 th Annual Report

Committee for Promotion of UG Research

  • Dr Subodh S Gupta (Coordinator)
  • Dr Kalyan Goswami
  • Dr Bhupendra Mehra
  • Dr Surekha Tayade
  • Dr PN Murkey
  • Dr Akash Bang
  • Dr Bharati Taksande
  • Dr Sachin Pawar
  • Dr Ruchita Attal

· Ms Mudita Joshi (Student Representative)

· Mr Mohamed Khader Meeran (Student Representative)

Dr Sushila Nayar Short-term Research Grant

List of students who completed projects under Dr Sushila Nayar Short-term Research Grant

Individual Projects

Preksha Wandile

Comparison of culture media for isolation of filamentous fungi from drinking water

Priya Singh; Guide: Dr Sachin Pawar

Electrophysiological study in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis from central rural India

Scientific Publications

Chowdhary S, Palhade K, Ingole K, Atram S, Tupat E, Doma S, Raut AV

Prevalence of common psychological morbidities among youth and their association with tobacco and/or alcohol use: A cross-sectional study from a village in Central India.

Ann Ind Psychiat 2019; 3(1): 43.

Joshi PA, Joshi SH, Raut AV

“When”,“What”, and “How” of complementary feeding: A mixed methods cross-sectional study from a rural medical college in central India.

Arc Med & Health Sci 2019; 7(2): 217.

Deshpande IM, Raut AV

A Reflective Account of Use of Photo Elicitation for Interactive Learning in a Community- Based Medical Education Setting in Rural Central India.

J Med Edu 2020; 18(3).

Joshi MN, Raut AV

Maternal depression and its association with responsive feeding and nutritional status of infants: A cross-sectional study from a rural medical college in central India.

J Postgrad Med 2019; 65(4): 212.

148 2019-2020

50 th A nn uD a lat Ra er pS oS r, tTure P, Raut AV

Effect of participatory health promotion initiative on tobacco use among adolescents: A school - based quasi - experimental pilot study from Central India.

Social Health & Behavior 2019 Jul 1; 2(3): 102.

Namjoshi S, Dixit M, Kedar A, Mohod K, Ninghot A, Goswami K, Kumar S Inflammatory markers in pre-diabetes and diabetes: A comparative study. Ann Int Med & Dent Res 2019; 5(5): 1-5

Other Presentations made by Undergraduate students Cheryl Mankar; Guide - Subodh S Gupta

Effectiveness of mobile text messaging for improving child-parent interaction: a quasi-experimental study

International Conference for Healthcare and Medical Students, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland, 6 - 8 Feb 2020

Shreya Namjoshi, Kanchan Mohod, Mimansa Dixit, Kalyan Goswami, Satish Kumar.

Audit for endocrine assay in a rural tertiary care centre: clinical chemistry lab perspective Connaissance, JIPMER, Puducherry, 12 - 14 Apr 2019

Mimansa Dixit, Pradeep Bokariya, Ruchi Kothari

Assessment of pulmonary function tests and anthropometric parameters in patients with sickle cell anaemia

Connaissance, JIPMER, Puducherry, 12 - 14 Apr 2019

Sakshi Chandak, Ruchita Attal

In vitro detection of virulence factors of Candida albicans and non-albicans Candida species isolated from the samples in ICU patients

Connaissance, JIPMER, Puducherry, 12 - 14 Apr 2019


Shreya Namjoshi was selected for the CCMB Winter Research Observership Programme along with 20 other students from 2nd and 3rd year all over India. She completed 10 days observership at CCMB Hyderabad in Dec 2019

Mimansa Dixit attended International Summer School in Internal Medicine University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 – 23 Aug 2019

Undergraduate Research

At MGIMS, Sevagram, over the last two decades, efforts have been made to build research aptitude of undergraduate students through provision of a capacity-building workshop followed by participation in community-based group projects under Problem Solving for Better Health initiative (PSBH), and later through a structured research mentorship programme for interested students. These efforts at the institute level succeeded in building a norm, and more and more students came forward to apply for research studentships offered by Indian Council of Medical Research short-term studentship (ICMR STS) and/ or Maharashtra University of Health Sciences short term research grants (MUHS-STRG).

Dr Sushila Nayar Scheme for Promotion of Undergraduate Research

In order to nurture the research culture at MGIMS further, in 2014, an annual award was instituted for undergraduate research named after our founder Director, Dr Sushila Nayar. The award session provides a platform for young researchers to hone their skills in presenting scientific research and prepares them for dissemination of research findings in scientific fora.

Beginning 2017-18, the undergraduate award was made part of a comprehensive approach to build a conducive environment for undergraduate research, known as ‘Scheme for promotion of undergraduate research’, and includes research grants, travel grants, incentives for publication of papers and periodic need based workshops in order to build the research aptitude of undergraduate students.

Committee for Promotion of UG Research

• Dr Subodh S Gupta (Coordinator)

• Dr Jategaonkar P

• Dr Wanjari S

• Dr Goswami D

• Dr Chauhan V

• Dr Bharati Taksande

• Dr Sachin Pawar

• Dr Ruchita Attal

• Dr Talhar S

• Ms Chaudhary S (Student representative)

• Mr Shroff M (Student representative)

Scientific publication

Five papers by undergraduate students were selected for incentives for publication. A cash incentive of Rs. 2,500 was given for each of these papers.

1. Chowdhary S, Palhade K, Ingole K, Atram S, Tupat E, Doma S, Raut AV.

Prevalence of common psychological morbidities among youth and their association with tobacco and/or alcohol use: A cross-sectional study from a village in Central India.

Annals of Indian Psychiatry. 2019 Jan 1;3(1):43.

2. Joshi PA, Joshi SH, Raut AV.

“When,”What,” and “How” of complementary feeding: A mixed methods cross-sectional study from a rural medical college in central India.

Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences. 2019 Jul 1;7(2):217.

3. Deshpande IM, Raut AV.

A Reflective Account of Use of Photo Elicitation for Interactive Learning in a Community- Based Medical Education Setting in Rural Central India.

Journal of Medical Education. 2020 Jan 11;18(3).

4. Joshi MN, Raut AV.

Maternal depression and its association with responsive feeding and nutritional status of infants: A cross - sectional study from a rural medical college in central India.

Journal of postgraduate medicine. 2019 Oct;65(4):212.

5. Datar SS, Ture P, Raut AV.

Effect of Participatory Health Promotion Initiative on Tobacco Use among Adolescents: A School-Based Quasi-Experimental Pilot Study from Central India.

Social Health and Behavior. 2019 Jul 1;2(3):102.

Other activities under Dr Sushila Nayar Scheme for Promotion of Undergraduate Research (viz. Short-term Research Grant, Travel Grant and Dr Sushila Nayar Award Session) were not held due to COVID-19 pandemic.

154 2020-2021

51 st Annual Report

Undergraduate Research

At MGIMS, Sevagram, over the last two decades, efforts have been made to build research aptitude of undergraduate students through provision of a capacity-building workshop followed by participation in community-basedgroup projects under Problem Solving for Better Healthinitiative (PSBH), and later through a structured researchmentorship programme for interested students. These efforts at the institute level succeeded in building a norm, and more and more students came forward to apply for research studentships offered by Indian Council of Medical Research short-term studentship (ICMR STS) and/ or Maharashtra University of Health Sciences short term research grants (MUHS-STRG).

ICMR STS Completed

Deepanshi Gupta; Moderator – Dr Subodh S Gupta

Project title - Association between mothers’ social capital and socio-emotional development of children ICMR STS reference ID - 2020-04761

Shayon Mukherji; Moderator – Dr Vishakha Jain Rao/ Dr Samir Yelwatkar

Project title - Insulin therapy- perceptions, knowledge and practice among health care professionals in a tertiary care hospital

ICMR STS reference ID –2020-04755

Yugal Jogad; Moderator –Dr Ruchi Kothari

Project title - Variations in Sympathovagal Balance, Psychogalvanic Reflex and Isometric Grip Force in Females with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - An Exploratory Study

ICMR STS reference ID - 2020-03828

Prachi Nikose; Moderator –Dr Arjun Kumar Jakasania

Project title - Estimation of Iodine content in kitchen salt at household level in Rural Maharashtra : Across – sectional study

ICMR STS reference ID - 2020-04182

Shabbir Gheewala; Moderator –

Project Title: Gauging of Body Fat Percentage, Galvanic Skin Response and Muscle Grip Strength in Female Hypothyroid Patients

ICMR STS reference ID -

Dr Sushila Nayar Scheme for Promotion of Undergraduate Research

In order to nurture the research culture at MGIMS further, in 2014, an annual award was instituted for undergraduate research named after our founder Director, Dr Sushila Nayar. The award session provides a platform for young researchers to hone their skills in presenting scientific research and prepares them for dissemination of research findings in scientific fora.

Beginning 2017-18, the undergraduate award was made part of a comprehensive approach to build a conducive environment for undergraduate research, known as ‘Scheme for promotion of undergraduate research’, and includes research grants, travel grants, incentives for publication of papers and periodic need based workshops in order to build the research aptitude of undergraduate students.

Committee for Promotion of UG Research

• Dr Subodh S Gupta (Coordinator)

• Dr Jategaonkar P

• Dr Wanjari S

• Dr Gosavi D

• Dr Chavan V

• Dr Bharati Taksande

• Dr Sachin Pawar

• Dr Ruchita Attal

• Dr Talhar S

• Ms Chaudhary S (Student representative)

• Mr Shroff M (Student representative)

Other projects

“Awareness campaign to educate remote tribal communities about intimate hygiene as a measure to prevent Urinary Tract Infection in children”.

Guide: Dr S Chhabra

Scientific publication

Yadav S, Garg S, Raut AV. Evaluation of association of psychosocial stress and hypertension in adults> 30 years of age: A community-based case–control study from Rural Central India.

International Journal of Noncommunicable Diseases. 2021 Jul 1;6(3):142.

(Dr Sneha Yadav is eligible to receive incentives for scientific publication for this paper under Dr Sushila Nayar Scheme for promotion of undergraduate research)

Roy S, Yadav S, Garg S, Deshmukh PR, Narang R. Evaluation of nested PCR and loop mediated isothermal amplification assay (LAMP) targeting 47 kDa gene of Orientia tsutsugamushi for diagnosis of scrub typhus. Indian journal of medical microbiology. 2021 Oct 1;39(4):475-8.

Batra R, Chaure M, Yadav S, Daga S, Gupta D. Testicular Seminoma with Inguinal Node Metastasis: a Rare Presentation. Indian Journal of Surgery. 2021 Jun 21:1-3.

Batra R, Batra P, Garg S, Yadav S. Evaluation of ureterorenoscopy with semirigid ureteroscope and laser lithotripsy as a treatment modality for upper ureteric stones less than 20 mm. Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences. 2021 Jul 1;26(2):108.

Nongrum SML, Chandel A, Varma R, Jategaonkar S, Jain M. HemolyticAnemia and Hypoxic Brain injury Following Mothball Ingestion in a G6PD nondeficient Infant: A Case Report. J Child Sci 2021;11: e296–e298. DOI https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0041-1736477

Sharma S, Biswas P. “Awareness about reproductive hygiene as a measure of genitourinary tract infection prevention in children- Is it time modify the national policies?” IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 21(02), Ser -16, 2022, pp. 34-38.

Sharma S. Urinary Tract Infections In Children: Preventing the havoc in India. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 2022 Jan;9(1):528-530. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/ 10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20215025

Paper presentation(online)

Sharma S, Kothari R, Bokariya P

Comparison of Heart Rate Variability among athletes and non- athletes assessed on treadmill exercise. - ISSEMCON – 2022, Saveetha Medical College and Hospital. (24-26 March 2022)

Undergraduate Research

At MGIMS, Sevagram, over the last two decades, efforts have been made to build research aptitude of undergraduate students through provision of a capacity-building workshop followed by participation in community-based group projects under Problem Solving for Better Health initiative (PSBH), and later through a structured research mentorship programme for interested students. These efforts at the institute level succeeded in building a norm and more and more students came forward to apply for research studentships under Indian Council of Medical Research short-term studentship (ICMR STS) and/ or Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS STRG).

ICMR and MUHS short term studentships : Completed projects

Anatomy Potharkar A; Guide: Shende MR (MUHS-STRG)

Perception and attitude of undergraduate students on use of social media: A cross sectional study

Bhongle R; Guide: Bokariya P (MUHS-STRG)

Anthropometric measurements of hypertensive patients with special emphasis on facial features

Biochemistry Chowdhary S; Guide: Goswami K (MUHS-STRG)

To determine and explore the mechanisms of the anti-filarial action of chalcon derivatives against Brugia malayi parasite

Honale N; Guide: Satish Kumar (ICMR-STS)

Evaluation of DIPSI guidelines for detection of gestational diabetes mellitus against WHO recommended oral glucose tolerance test- a cross sectional study, in Wardha, Central India

Kazi K; Guide: Mohod K (ICMR-STS)

Clinico-epidemiological status in females seeking assessment of thyroid profile at a tertiary care rural hospital: a retrospective study

Community Medicine Meeran M; Guide: Gupta SS (ICMR-STS)

Determinants of social and emotional development among preschool children (3- 6 years): a cross sectional study

Joshi M; Guide: Raut A (ICMR-STS)

Maternal depression and its association with responsive feeding and nutritional status of infants. A cross-sectional study from a rural medical college in central India.

Datar S; Guide: Raut A (ICMR-STS)

Effect of personalized health card on tobacco use among adolescents: a school based quasi-experimental pilot study from central India.

Microbiology Chandak S; Guide: Attal R (ICMR-STS)

In vitro detection of virulence factors of Candida albicans and non-albicans Candida

species isolated from the samples in ICU patients

Namjoshi S; Guide: Attal R (MUHS-STRG)

Microbiological analysis of Candida species isolated from indoor, environment and health care workers of Pediatric unit at the tertiary care hospital in Central India

Physiology Hemavaishnave TS; Guide: Kothari R(ICMR-STS)

Evaluation of the role of visual evoked potentials in detecting the visual impairment in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Chhajed S; Guide: Pawar S (ICMR-STS)

Polysomnographic study in hypertension

Karwande A; Guide: Kothari R (MUHS-STRG)

Study of brainstem evoked response audiometry (BERA) in medical students having long time mobile usage

Dr Sushila Nayar Scheme for Promotion of Undergraduate Research

In order to nurture the research culture at MGIMS further, in 2014, an annual award was instituted for undergraduate research named after its founder Director, Dr Sushila Nayar. The award session provides a platform for young researchers to hone their skills in presenting scientific research and prepares them for dissemination of research findings in scientific fora.

Beginning 2017-18, the undergraduate award was made part of a comprehensive approach to build a conducive environment for undergraduate research, known as ‘Scheme for promotion of undergraduate research’, and includes research grants, travel grants, incentives for publication of papers and periodic need- based workshops in order to build the research aptitude of undergraduate students.

Committee for Promotion of Undergraduate Research

Coordinator : Dr Subodh S Gupta

Members : Dr Kalyan Goswami, Dr Bhupendra Mehra, Dr Surekha Tayade,

Dr PN Murkey, Dr Akash Bang, Dr Bharati Taksande, Dr Sachin Pawar, Dr Ruchita Attal

Student representatives : Mr Akshay Yadav, Ms Sahitya Rao

Dr Sushila Nayar Short-term Research Grant: Completed projects

Individual Projects

Aakanksha Shukla; Guide: Pradeep Bokariya (Anatomy)

Measurement of orbital dimensions (orbital height, orbital breadth and length of superior orbital fissure) using dry skulls

Onkar Warambhe; Guide: Deepashri Maraskolhe (Microbiology)

Isolation of organism from blood and look for their antibiotic pattern and different virulence factors in Intensive care unit patients (ICU) in rural hospital

Shambhavi Chowdhary; Guide: Kalyan Goswami (Biochemistry)

Study of clinical and demographic pattern of thyroid profile investigation in clinical biochemistry laboratory of a tertiary care rural hospital

Madhur Shroff; Guide: Subodh S Gupta (Community Medicine)

Nutritional status of children in age-group 6-10 years and its determinants: a cohort study of children born in 2007 – 11

Group Projects

Kshitija Palhade, Shambhavi Chowdhary, Kartik Ingole, Shruti Atram, Eashwar Tupat, Sanghe Doma; Guide: Abhishek V Raut (Community Medicine)

Prevalence of common psychological morbidities among youth (15-24 years) and their association with tobacco and/or alcohol use: a cross-sectional study from a village in central India.

Divya Dixit, Aamir Khan, Mohini Nadagouda, Mehak Saini, Saumitra Dixit, Lisha Choudhari, Meenal Nirvan; Guide: Subodh S Gupta (Community Medicine)

Association of complementary feeding practices to nutritional status among children currently aged 2-5 years in a village in Wardha district

Dr Sushila Nayar Travel Grant for Undergraduate Students

List of students who have been sanctioned travel grant

Vidit Panchal; Guide: Ruchi Kothari (Physiology)

An investigative study on impact of smoking on visual evoked responses of healthy volunteers

Presented at OSMECON 2017, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, Telangana, 10-12 Aug 2017.

Hemavaishnave TS; Guide: Ruchi Kothari (Physiology)

Study of alterations of visually evoked responses in type 2 diabetes mellitus- looking beyond horizon

Presented at AUXESIS 2017, Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Group of Hospitals, Mumbai, 7-9 Aug 2017.

Akshay S Yadav; Guide: Ruchi Kothari (Physiology)

An interventional study for assessing the influence of Yoga on medical students under stress

Presented at MUHS State Level Research Conference 2017-18, VMGMC, Solapur, 21 Jan 2018

Shreya Namjoshi; Guide: Ruchita Attal (Microbiology)

Microbiological analysis of Candida species isolated from indoor, environment and health care workers of pediatric unit at the tertiary care hospital in central India

Presented at MUHS State Level Research Conference 2017-18; VMGMC, Solapur, 21 Jan 2018

Apurva Bhalchandra Potharkar; Guide: MR Shende (Anatomy)

Attitude and perception of undergraduate students towards use of social media; Presented at MUHS State Level Research Conference 2017-18; VMGMC, Solapur, 21 Jan 2018

Dr Sushila Nayar Memorial Award for Undergraduate Research

Two award sessions were held in year 2017-18.

Award Session 1: 19 Apr 2017 Paper presentations

Anurag Rathi; Guide: Dr Kshirod Mishra

Quality of sleep among medical students: Relationship with the personality traits

Akshay Yadav; Guide: Dr Ruchi Kothari

Impact of Yoga on stress experienced by medical students – An interventional study

Rutuja Bhongle; Guide: Dr Pradeep Bokariya

Anthropometric measurements of hypertensive patients with special emphasis on facial features

Sonika Kumari; Guide: Dr Anupama Gupta

Knowledge and attitude profile of hospital visitors towards blood donation in central India

Mudita Joshi; Guide: Dr Abhishek Raut

Maternal depression and its association with responsive feeding and nutritional status of infant - a cross sectional study from a rural medical college in central India

Gauri Patki; Guide: Dr Abhishek Raut

Assessment of factors causing delay in initiation of treatment of tuberculosis: A cross sectional study from rural Wardha

Mohamed Khader Meeran; Guide: Dr Kanchan Mohod

Clinico-epidemiological status in females seeking assessment of thyroid profile at a tertiary care rural hospital- a retrospective study

Shambhavi Chowdhary; Guide: Dr Kalyan Goswami

Targeting folate metabolism in Brugia malayi parasitic model using synthetic chalcone derivatives as probe

Awards for Session 1

Best paper award: Ms Gauri Patki (2012 batch)

Second best paper award: Ms Shambhavi Chowdhary (2015 batch) Third best paper award: Ms Mudita Joshi (2014 batch)

Award Session 2: 21 Mar 2018 Paper presentations

Kshitja Palhade; Guide: Dr Abhishek Raut

Prevalence of common psychological morbidities among youth (15-24 years) and their association with tobacco and/or alcohol use: a cross-sectional study from a village in central India

Apurva Potharkar; Guide: Dr MR Shende

Perception and attitude of undergraduate students on social media use: a cross-sectional study

Aakanksha Shukla; Guide: Dr Pradeep Bokariya

Measurement of orbital dimensions (orbital height, orbital breadth and length of superior orbital fissure) using dry skulls

Hemavaishnvi TS; Guide: Dr Ruchi Kothari

Evaluation of the role of VEP in detecting visual impairment in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Madhur Shroff; Guide: Dr Subodh S Gupta

Nutritional status of children in age-group 6-10 years and its determinants: a cohort study of children born in 2007 – 11

Shambhavi Chowdhary; Guide: Dr Kalyan Goswami

Study of clinical and demographic pattern of thyroid profile investigation in clinical biochemistry laboratory of a tertiary care rural hospital

Mohamed Khader Meeran; Guide: Dr Subodh S Gupta

Determinants of social and emotional development among preschool children (3- 6 years): a cross sectional study


Best paper award: Ms Shambhavi Chowdhary (2015 batch)

Second best paper award: Mr Mohammad Khader Meeran (2015 batch) Third best paper award : Ms Aakanksha Shukla (2016 batch)

Incentives for scientific publications by undergraduate students

List of selected students Shruti Pansare

Jain S, Pansare SS.

Perceptions of Indian women on hysterectomy.

Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017;6:4646-51.

Akshay Yadav

Yadav A, Kothari R, Bokariya P, Gupta SS.

An interventional study for assessing the impact of yoga on anxiety levels of medical students under stress.

Int J Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Educ 2017; 2(6): 143-146.

Shambhavi Chowdhary

Chowdhary S. Learning with the community: An enriching experience.

Int J Medical Students [Internet]. 31 Aug 2017: 5(2). Available from: https:// www.ijms.info/index.php/IJMS/article/view/222

Undergraduate Research

At MGIMS, Sevagram, over the last two decades, efforts have been made to build research aptitude of undergraduate students through provision of a capacity-building workshop followed by participation in community-based group projects under Problem Solving for Better Health initiative (PSBH), and later through a structured research mentorship programme for interested students. These efforts at the institute level succeeded in building a norm, and more and more students came forward to apply for research studentships offered by Indian Council of Medical Research short-term studentship (ICMR STS) and/ or Maharashtra University of Health Sciences short term research grants (MUHS-STRG).

ICMR and MUHS short term studentships : Completed projects

Karthik Ingole; Guide: Dr Pranita Waghmare (ICMR-STS)

ES-31 serine protein with protease activity- A new drug target for Mycobacterium tuberculosis: an in vivo study.

Cheryl Mankar; Guide: Dr Subodh S Gupta (ICMR-STS)

Effect of SMS based daily messages on child parent interaction – a quasi-experimental study

Laltesh Saran; Guide: Dr Vijayshri Deotale (ICMR-STS)

Detection of colistin resistance amongst MDR isolates from rural hospital

Preksha Wandile; Guide: Dr Deepashri Maraskolhe (ICMR-STS)

Comparison of culture media for isolation of filamentous fungi from drinking water

Naga Nimisha Indugu; Guide: Dr Ruchita Attal (ICMR-STS)

Culture dependent approaches among the caries pathogens isolated from carious dentine and their emerging drug resistance

Snigdha Sharma; Guide: Dr Pradeep Bokariya (ICMR-STS)

Influence of body shape index on heart rate variability in athletes.

Priyanka Joshi; Guide: Dr Abhishek Raut (ICMR-STS)

When‚ what and how of complementary feeding: A mixed -methods cross- sectional study from a rural medical college in central India.

Harshita Garg; Guide: Dr Akash Bang (ICMR-STS)

To estimate the incidence of extrauterine growth restriction among babies born in a rural tertiary teaching hospital and find out risk factors associated with it.

Sujay Sudhir Srivastava; Guide: Dr Ruchi Kothari (ICMR-STS)

Study VO2 max in athletes on exercise on treadmill and cycle ergometer as assessed in Sports Physiology Laboratory

Mimansa Dixit; Guide: Dr Sachin Pawar (ICMR-STS)

Study of obesity as a risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome in rural subjects

Neha Yadav; Guide: Dr Nitin Gangane (ICMR-STS)

Family, society and health system support for women with breast cancer in rural India.

Sujay Srivastava; Guide: Dr Ruchi Kothari (MUHS-STRG)

Study of visual evoked potentials in school children: A potential aid to pediatric ophthalmology

Prerna Shelke; Guide: Dr Deepashri Maraskolhe (MUHS-STRG)

Incidence of fungi in drinking water in a rural hospital

Saurabh Sharma; Guide: Dr Ruchita Attal (MUHS-STRG)

Strategies for Carbapenemase detection in Enterobacteriacae and Nil fermenters

Dr Sushila Nayar Scheme for Promotion of Undergraduate Research

In order to nurture the research culture at MGIMS further, in 2014, an annual award was instituted for undergraduate research named after our founder Director, Dr Sushila Nayar. The award session provides a platform for young researchers to hone their skills in presenting scientific research and prepares them for dissemination of research findings in scientific fora.

Beginning 2017-18, the undergraduate award was made part of a comprehensive approach to build a conducive environment for undergraduate research, known as ‘Scheme for promotion of undergraduate research’, and includes research grants, travel grants, incentives for publication of papers and periodic need based workshops in order to build the research aptitude of undergraduate students.

Committee for Promotion of UG Research

  • Dr Subodh S Gupta (Coordinator)
  • Dr Kalyan Goswami
  • Dr Bhupendra Mehra
  • Dr Surekha Tayade
  • Dr PN Murkey
  • Dr Akash Bang
  • Dr Bharati Taksande
  • Dr Sachin Pawar
  • Dr Ruchita Attal

· Ms Mudita Joshi (Student representative)

· Mr Mohamed Khader Meeran (Student representative)

Dr Sushila Nayar Short-term Research Grant

List of students who completed projects under Dr Sushila Nayar Short-term Research Grant

Individual Projects

Sujay Srivastava; Guide: Dr Ruchi Kothari (Physiology)

Study of visual evoked potentials in school children: A potential aid to pediatric ophthalmology.

Sakshi Chandak; Guide: Dr Ruchita Attal (Microbiology)

In vitro detection of virulence factors of Candida albicans and non-albicans Candida species isolated from samples in ICU patients.

Yashika Kotla; Guide: Dr Sumedh Jajoo (Medicine)

Demographics, clinical presentation, complications and outcomes of scrub typhus in central India in a tertiary care teaching hospital: A retrospective analysis of hospital based data.

Ayushi Sethi; Guide: Dr Jyoti Jain (Medicine)

Diagnostic accuracy of clinical signs in detecting type of anemia.

Cheryl Mankar; Guide: Dr Abhishek Raut (Community Medicine)

Diabetes, depression and quality of life among elderly: An observational cross-sectional study from a tertiary care hospital in central India.

Prachi Kamble; Guides: Dr Deepashri Maraskolhe (Microbiology), Dr Leena Chimurkar (Pharmacology)

In vitro antibacterial activity of extract of Rose and Hibiscus rosasinensis against Escherichia coli isolated from clinical samples.

Group Projects

Shreya Namjoshi, Mimansa Dixit; Guides: Dr Kanchan Mohod, Dr Satish Kumar, Dr Kalyan Goswami (Biochemistry)

Audit for endocrine assay in a rural tertiary care centre: clinical chemistry lab perspective.

Dr Sushila Nayar Travel Grant for Undergraduate Students

List of students who were sanctioned travel grant In-country Travel Grant:

Snigdha Sharma; Guide: Dr Ruchi Kothari (Physiology)

Study of psychological wellbeing of medical students at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences.

MEDSICON 18 (Medical Students International Conference), Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi; 26-29 Apr 2018.

Prachi Kamble; Guides: Dr Deepashri Maraskolhe (Microbiology), Dr Leena Chimurkar (Pharmacology)

Invitro antibacterial activity of rose and Hibiscus rosasinensis leaf and petals on E.coli in tertiary care hospital

TRINITY 2019; Organized jointly by LTMC, Sion, Mumbai and MUHS, Nashik; 7-9 Mar 2019

International Travel Grants:

Sujay Srivastava; Guide: Dr Ruchi Kothari (Physiology)

Study of VO2 max in athletes upon exercise on treadmill and cycle ergometer as assessed in sports physiology laboratory.

International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka; 7-8 Feb 2019.

(Received second best paper award in the category ‘Non-communicable diseases’)

Cheryl Mankar; Guide: Dr Subodh S Gupta (Community Medicine)

Effect of SMS based daily messages on child-parent interaction: A quasi-experimental study. International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Jayewardenepura,

Sri Lanka; 7-8 Feb 2019

(Received best paper award in the category Primary Health Care)

Mudita Joshi; Guide: Dr Abhishek Raut (Community Medicine)

Maternal depression and its association with responsive feeding and nutritional status of infants: A cross-sectional study from a rural medical college in central India.

International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka; 7-8 Feb 2019.

Snigdha Sharma; Guide: Dr Pradeep Bokariya (Anatomy)

Influence of body shape index on heart rate variability in athletes.

International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka; 7-8 Feb 2019.

Akanksha Nath; Guide: Dr Sourav Goswami (Community Medicine)

Understanding the health needs of elderly population in rural Wardha, central India: a qualitative study.

International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka; 7-8 Feb 2019.

(Received second best paper award in the category ‘Primary Health Care’)

Sneha Yadav; Guide: Dr Nitin Gangane (Pathology)

Family social and health system support for breast cancer patients in rural India. International Medical Undergraduate Research Conference, University of Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka; 7-8 Feb 2019.

Other Presentations made by Undergraduate students

Sneha Yadav; Guide: Dr Nitin Gangane (Pathology)

Family social and health system support for breast cancer patients in rural India

Global health summit, Mumbai. GS Medical College and Hospital, Mumbai; 27-28 Dec 2018 (Received 3rd Best Paper Award in All-Inclusive Category in the Young Investigator Research Competition)

Snigdha Sharma; Guides: Dr Pradeep Bokariya, Dr Ruchi Kothari

A promising fitness parameter unleashed yet to be explored: body shape index MUHS State Level Research Conference for Medical Faculty at Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education & Research (MIMER), Pune

(Second prize under category of completed funded research projects) Incentives for scientific publications by Undergraduate Students List of students selected

Anurag Rathi

Rathi A, Ransing RS, Mishra KK, Narula N.

Quality of sleep among medical students: Relationship with personality traits.

J Clin Diagn Res 2018; 12(9):1-4.

Theses 2017

Anatomy Bokariya P; Guide: Dr Doshi MA (PhD)

Effects of acyclovir, insulin and ondansetron on developing chick embryo: histological and histochemical study

Barma MD; Guide: Dr Shende MR

Anthropometric measurements of type 2 diabetic patients with special emphasis on facial features

Paul L; Guide: Dr Waghmare JE

Assessment of renal dimensions and its relationship with anthropometry

Anesthesia Kumari P; Guide: Dr Jain S

Comparison of airway nerve blocks with topical lignocaine anesthesia using nebulizer – for awake fiberoptic nasal intubation of trachea

Bhugra N; Guide: Dr Tidke S

A study comparing Kings LTS-D vs Combitube as a primary device for airway management during short general anesthesia

Khandwe A; Guide: Dr Premendran B

Comparison of I-Gel (Intersurgical Inc., Berkshire, UK) supraglottic airway and Proseal laryngeal mask airway in pediatric patients under controlled ventilation

Bhusal P; Guide: Dr Dhande PS

An interventional randomized comparative study of laryngeal mask airway supreme with I-Gel in spontaneously breathing anesthetized adult patient

Biochemistry Kar P; Guide: Dr Kumar S

Evaluation of paraoxonase-1 enzyme activity and oxidative stress to assess malignant transformation in oral cavity cancer

Singh SK; Guide: Goswami K

Evaluation of rWbL2 based IgG4 antibody assay in the diagnosis of Bancroftian filariasis

Chandankhede P; Guide: Goswami K

Study of clinico-epidemiological profile of patients seeking assessment of lipid panel markers in a tertiary care rural hospital and its diagnostic implication

Community Medicine Kothekar P; Guide: Mehendale AM

Health literacy about antenatal, intranatal, postnatal and child health care among women of reproductive age group (15 to 45 years), the cross sectional study in tribal region of Central India

Goswami S; Guide: Gupta S

Psychosocial and economic impact of oral cancer on patients and their caregivers: A community based qualitative study in Central India

Golhar H; Guide: Deshmukh PR

Assessment of readiness to quit tobacco use by using “stage of change” model among high school attendees: a cross sectional study

Guha I; Guide: Maliye C

Life skills of adolescent girls in relation to their self-concept developed through Kishori Panchayat in rural Wardha

Bhagat V; Guide: Dambhare DG

Study of magnitude and determinants of unmet need for contraception in a primary health centre area

Dermatology Jakhar P; Guide: Dr Jain SP

Clinico-epidemiological study of acne vulgaris in rural central India

ENT Ganeshkar R; Guide: Dr Nagpure PS

Study of the prevalence and management of maxillofacial fractures in patients attending trauma emergency department of a tertiary care hospital

Sonone J; Guide: Dr Puttewar M

Study of the relation of deviated nasal septum, anatomical variations of osteo- meatal complex with chronic sinusitis and relation of chronic sinusitis with dental occlusion

Forensic Medicine Khan S; Guide: Dr Tirpude BH

Assessment of cases of hanging with respect to demographic profile and neck injuries autopsied at a medical college in central India

Ramteke R; Guide: Dr Murkey PN

Trends of poisoning cases in rural hospital of central India

Medicine Kulkarni AR; Guide: Dr Jain J

Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac function in chronic kidney disease: A cross sectional study

Chaudhari MA; Guide: Dr Jajoo UN

Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its risk factors among rural adult population (age > 35 years) in central India

Lalremmawia; Guide: Dr Kalantri SP

Intermediate syndrome and respiratory failure in acute organophosphorus pesticide self-poisoning

Ballamwar AS; Guide: Dr Saxena A

Magnitude and determinants of anemia in patients of chronic kidney disease admitted in rural tertiary care hospital

Patil TK; Guide: Taksande BA

Nerve conduction study of common peroneal nerve in patients of stroke

Mukhija R; Guide: Jain V

Clinical and endoscopic profile of upper gastrointestinal bleed and its predictor of outcomes

Microbiology Reang S; Guide: Dr Deotale V

Prevalence of ventilator associated pneumonia in adult indoor patients of rural hospital in central India

Roy S; Guide: Dr Narang R

Evaluation of rapid diagnostic test (RDT) against indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for diagnosis of scrub typhus in central India

Dev H, Guide: Dr Thamke D

A laboratory based study on distribution and virulence factors of Malassezia

species isolated from patients of Pityriasis versicolor and dandruff

Obstetrics & Gynecology Suman A; Guide: Dr Shivkumar PV

A prospective study of socio-demographic factors, maternal obstetric disorders, co-morbidities and events leading to maternal near miss and mortality in a rural tertiary care hospital

Chaudhary P; Guide: Kumar P

A prospective study of comparison of risk of malignancy indices (RMIs) in evaluation of ovarian neoplasm at rural tertiary hospital in central India

Ophthalmology Sheikh A; Guide: Dr Shukla AK

Study of the prevalence and correlates of diabetic retinopathy with a non- mydriatic fundus camera among the known diabetic population in rural area

Doye S; Guide: Dr Singh S

Study of binocular visual functions in isoametropic and anisometropic patients undergoing laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery

Gawai P; Guide: Dr Dhabarde A

Clinical study of bacterial conjunctivitis in a rural based tertiary care hospital

Singh S; Guide: Dr Bang P

Comparison of intraocular lens power and corneal topography in patients with primary pterygium before and after pterygium surgery

Orthopedics Mote G; Guide: Guide: Dr Badole CM

Surgical management (open reduction and internal fixation) of distal humerus fracture and its functional outcome

Zabeeh A; Guide: Dr Patond KR

Epidural steroid in management of chronic low back pain

Pathology Gupta A; Guide: Dr Gangane N

Role of p53 and Her-2/neu as a prognostic biomarker in breast carcinoma

Shougrakpam J; Dr Guide: Gupta A

Significance of HLA-B27 expression in cases of reactive arthritis

Bandyopadhyay S; Guide: Dr Shivkumar VB

Expression of galectin-3 in thyroid neoplasms

Sonar A; Guide: Dr Anshu

CD10 stromal expression in invasive breast carcinomas and its prognostic value

Pediatrics Dubey V; Guide: Dr Jain MA

Study of hepatic and myocardial dysfunction in term neonates with perinatal asphyxia

Meshram P; Guide: Dr Bang AA

Utility of umbilical cord blood and peripheral venous blood parameters for predictors of neonatal sepsis and mortality in high risk newborns

Pharmacology Kirde S; Guide: Dr Varma SK

An observational, cross-sectional study of monitoring of adverse drug reactions of anti-depressant drugs prescribed to patients visiting psychiatry department of a rural tertiary care teaching hospital of central India: A pharmacovigilance study

Das M; Guide: Dr Kale R

Drug utilization pattern in acne vulgaris in outpatient department of tertiary care hospital in rural India- A cross sectional study

Jankar B; Guide: Dr Gosavi DD

Comparative, observational, cross-sectional study of adverse drug reaction (ADR) profile of mood stabilizing drugs in the patients with bipolar disorder visiting Dept. of Psychiatry of a tertiary care teaching hospital of central India - A pharmacovigilance study

Physiology Bhattacharjee S; Guide: Dr Bansod N

A study of pulmonary function and cardiopulmonary efficiency of male swimmers

Salve V; Guide: Dr Pawar S

Study of various electrophysiological indices for the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetic patients in central India

Psychiatry Kumar V; Guide: Dr Khairkar PH

Accessing the relationship between ABO & Rh blood groups with Dhat Syndrome and its psychiatry co-morbidities: a preliminary study

Radiology Sonia; Guide: Dr Tayade A

Evaluation of fetal modified myocardial performance index in pregnancies complicated by diabetes

Singh P; Guide: Dr Kale SK

MR evaluation of lumbar spine in low backache magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluation of post traumatic knee joint

Preetha K; Guide: Dr Kale SK

Evaluation of anatomical variations of paranasal sinuses on computed tomography

Radiotherapy Birajdar M; Guide: Dr Vyas VJ

Hypofractionation radiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer to select patient for radical treatment: A single institutional based experience

Surgery Jawalekar P; Guide: Dr Gupta DO

Retrospective and prospective cliniopathological study of pattern of thyroid malignancies in rural tertiary care center in Central India

Ramsewak; Guide: Dr Rao S

Clinical manifestations and risk factors of necrotizing fasciitis

Rathod V; Guide: Dr Mehra BK

Comparison of clinico-pathological features with various subtypes of carcinoma breast based on immunohistochemistry markers in patients attending rural tertiary care hospital in central India

Bushra S; Guide: Dr Jategaonkar

Prospective and retrospective study of clinical profile and risk factors for incisional hernia

Theses 2018

Anatomy Bokariya P; Guide: Dr Doshi MA (PhD)

Effects of acyclovir, insulin and ondansetron on developing chick embryo: Histological and histochemical study

Waghmare JE; Guide: Dr Anshu (MSc HPE)

Student and faculty perspectives about introducing early clinical exposure in pre-clinical teaching

Anesthesia Vyas A; Guide: Dr Dhande P

An observational study to look for the effectiveness of dexmedetomidine as an additive to ropivacaline in supraclavicular blocks in adults

Wandile P; Guide: Dr Tidke S

A comparative assessment of dexmedetomidine-propofol versus fentanyl- propofol for insertion of laryngeal mask airway

Yadav N; Guide: Dr Jain S

Comparative evaluation of airway management and hemodynamics with the use of I-gel (Intersurgical gel), Proseal laryngeal mask airway and endotracheal tube in laparoscopic surgeries

Solanky R; Guide: Dr Dhande P

Prospective study on comparison of hemodynamic changes in general anesthesia with epidural and general anesthesia alone in laparoscopic surgery

Community Medicine Prabhakar M; Guide: Dr Mehendale AM

Magnitude and determinants of gestational diabetes: A cross sectional study from field practice area of a medical college

Ture P; Guide: Dr Dambhare DG

Magnitude and determinants of psychological morbidities among pregnant women in a field practice area of a medical college in central India: A cross- sectional study

Dermatology Patrick S; Guide: Dr Kar S

Study of association between androgenic alopecia and metabolic syndrome in a tertiary health care centre in central rural India

ENT Futane A; Guide: Dr Nagpure PS

Study of the pattern of etiopathogenesis and management modalities in oral malignancy in tertiary care hospital

Sheikh E; Guide: Dr Nagpure PS

Correlation of the pure tone audiometry findings with intraoperative findings in patients with tubotympanic chronic suppurative otitis media and study of its surgical outcome

Forensic Medicine Chaphalkar K; Guide: Dr Tirpude BH

Evaluation of victims of assault registered under Clinical Forensic Medicine Unit of a tertiary care hospital in central India.

Medicine Agrawal B; Guide: Dr Kalantri SP

Acute undifferentiated febrile illness in patients presenting to a tertiary care teaching Hospital in central India : Etiology, clinical spectrum and outcome

Khan S; Guide: Dr Jain J

Prevalence of dementia in elderly diabetics: A case control study from rural hospital in Central India.

Dhake V; Guide: Dr Taksande B

Study of peripheral nervous system in sickle cell anemia

Thokal D; Guide: Dr Saxena A

Predictors of mortality and length of hospital stay in elderly patients admitted to medicine intensive care unit in a rural tertiary care hospital.

Soni P; Guide: Dr Jain V

Clinico-demographic profile and clinical outcomes of patients requiring ventilation support in a tertiary care intensive care unit of a rural teaching medical college: A prospective cohort study.

Microbiology Saha D; Guide: Dr Deotale V

A study of risk factors and organisms causing surgical site infection and their antimicrobial susceptibility in a tertiary care hospital

Ophthalmology Gupta GL; Guide: Dr Shukla AK

Screening of known diabetic patients for diabetic retinopathy assessment of need for treatment and visual outcome of treatment

Garkal P; Guide: Dr Singh S

Study of tear function before and after laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (Lasik) surgery in a tertiary care rural hospital

Verma S; Guide: DrDhabarde A

Epidemiological profile, risk factors and presentation of cataract in pre-senile age

Yadav A; Guide: Dr Bang P

Study of effects of epidemiological factors on quality of donor cornea

Orthopedics Roy S; Guide: Dr Badole CM

Primary cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty in unstable osteoporotic intertrochanteric fractures in elderly: A prospective study

Hatwar R; Guide: Dr Patond KR

Functional outcome of open reduction and internal fixation of fracture proximal humerus with proximal humerus internal locking osteosynthesis (PHILOS) plate

Pathology Gorte T; Guide: Dr Gangane N

Comparison between automated and manual method of reticulocyte count

Rathod R; Guide: Dr Gupta A

Role of CD4 and CD8 positive T-cells in breast cancer progression and outcome

Shirbhate P; Guide: Dr Shivkumar VB

A comparative study between routine and rapid microwave tissue processing and staining using a kitchen microwave oven in histopathology laboratory

Gawai S; Guide: Dr Anshu

An immunohistochemical study of HBME-1 expression in lesions of the thyroid

Pediatrics Ambade M; Guide: Dr Jain M

Prospective study of spectrum of respiratory distress in newborns in rural medical college of central India

Sarkar C; Guide: Dr Bang A

Comparative study of pressure control ventilation versus volume control ventilation in pediatric ICU patients needing mechanical ventilation

Pharmacology Quazi S; Guide: Dr Verma SK

Evaluation of anti-diabetic and wound healing activity of hydro-alcoholic extract of Syzygiumcumini seeds in Wistar rats

Psychiatry Joge V; Guide: Dr Mishra KK

Correlation of salivary cortisol level, parental psychopathology, minor physical anomalies, intelligent quotient and severity of aggression in diagnosed cases of conduct disorder versus normal resilient children

Radiology Bhoyar M; Guide: Dr Tayade AT

Comparison of breast sonoelastography with conventional sonography in evaluation of solid breast lumps

Kynjing D; Guide: Dr Kale SK

Role of transvaginal ultrasonography in evaluation of clinically suspected cases of ectopic pregnancy

Radiotherapy KalbandeP; Guide: Dr Vyas VJ

Dosimetric comparison between 3D conformal radiotherapy (field in field) and intensity modulated radiotherapy in post mastectomy breast cancer patients

Surgery Gupta A; Guide: Dr Gupta DO

Surgical audit of laparoscopic cholecystectomy among patients in a rural hospital of central India

Kumar S; Guide: Dr Mehra BK

A comparative study of primary inguinal hernia self-fixating mesh repair under local anesthesia with polypropylene mesh repair under spinal anesthesia

Aswar A; Guide: Dr Jategaonkar PA

Surgical audit of laparoscopic appendectomy in rural tertiary health care center in central India

Theses 2019

Anesthesia Rathi S; Guide: Jain Sudha

A randomized controlled study for comparative evaluation of pre-emptive single dose analgesia with pregabalin versus lumbar epidural analgesia using bupivacaine in adult patients undergoing laparoscopic surgeries on postoperative pain and hemodynamics.

Jha N; Guide: Tidke S

The effect of nebulized ketamine in decreasing the incidence and severity of post operative sore throat after endotracheal intubation in patients receiving general anaesthesia

Kathane N; Guide: Dhande P

Comparative study between 0.5% ropivacaine with fentanyl and 0.5% bupivacaine with fentanyl in USG guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block in upper limb surgeries

Katrale S; Guide: Dhande P

A comparison of hemodynamics and ease of intubation in intubating the trachea using intubating laryngeal mask airway after induction versus awake fiberoptic bronchoscopy in patients with difficult airway

Community Medicine Somkuwar M; Guide: Mehendale AM

Quality assessment of Home Based Newborn Care in field practice area of a rural medical college: a cross sectional study with mixed methods

Jha A; Guide: Maliye C

Magnitude and determinants of psychological morbidities among pregnant women in a field practice area of a medical college in central India: A cross- sectional study

Dermatology Manwar P; Guide: Kar S

Clinico-epidemiological study of facial hypermelanosis in females in rural tertiary care center in central India- a cross sectional study

Bansode D; Guide: Jain Sonia

Assessment of effectiveness of oral zinc therapy as anadjunct to intralesional Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine in patients of common verruca vulgaris in rural tertiary care centre of central India

ENT Pethe N; Guide: Nagpure PS

To study he anatomical variations and difficulties in endoscopic dacryocystitis in tertiary health care centre – A descriptive study

Akulwad S; Guide: Nagpure PS

Clinical Profile of sinonasal masses at tertiary based hospital in India

Medicine Naik S; Guide: Kalantri SP

Diagnostic accuracy of 20-minute whole blood clotting test (WBCT20) to detect coagulopathy in snake envenomation

More S; Guide: Jain Jyoti

Profile of non-tuberculous Mycobacteria in progressive pulmonary disease in rural tertiary care hospital in central India incorporating use of gelatin coated face masks for collection of samples

Prasad D; Guide: Taksande B

Study of cognitive functions in the patients of vitamin B12 deficiency in rural tertiary care center of central India

Awaghate S; Guide: Saxena A

Magnitude of drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis (DR-TB) in outpatients and inpatients of department of Medicine in a rural tertiary care teaching hospital located in central India: A cross-sectional study

Microbiology Patond A; Guide: Narang Rahul

Diagnostic efficacy of TB loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), Cartridge nucleic acid Amplification (CBNAAT) and Mycobacterial growth indicator tube (MGIT) liquid culture for extra-pulmonary TB using latent class analysis

Obstetrics & Singh N; Guide: Tayade S

Gynecology DIPSI Guidelines to estimate the prevalence and feto maternal outcome in gestational diabetes mellitus- A study in rural population

Thool P; Guide: Jain Shuchi

Prospective study of maternal serum vitamin D levels as high risk factor for preterm labour and its effect on maternal and neonatal outcome in a rural tertiary health care setting

Ophthalmology More A; Guide: Shukla AK

Assessment of effect of LASER treatment on central macular thickness and visual status in patients of diabetic retinopathy

Tayade T; Guide: Singh S

Assessment of central corneal thickness and IOL power after LASIK surgery

Pednekar N; Guide: Dhabarde A

A clinical study on fundus changes in pregnancy induced hypertension in tertiary health care centre

Peddawad S; Guide: Bang Puja

Screening for assessment of refractive error strabismus and amblyopia in preschool and primary school children

Orthopedics Tyagi D; Guide: Badole CM

A study of functional outcome of distalfemoral fracture treated with locking compression plate

Pawara S; Guide: Patond KR

Open reduction and internal fixation offracture clavicle treated with precontoured clavicle plate, clinical study

Pathology Wagle B; Guide: Gangane NM

Role of aspase-3 as a prognostic biomarker in breast carcinoma

Gulhane P; Guide: Gupta Anupama

Role of natural killer Cells in clinicohistological presentation of breast cancer

Fulzele N; Guide: Shivkumar VB

Expression of Cyclin D1 in normal, hyperplastic, malignant endometrium

Watti A; Guide: Anshu

Immunoexpression of Cyclin D1 in breast carcinoma

Pediatrics Chohatkar P; Guide: Jain Manish

Antibiotic stewardship in NICU

Kawale K; Guide: Bang Akash

Estimation of the incidence of intrauterine and extra-uterine growth restriction among the babies born in rural tertiary teaching hospital and risk factors associated with it

Pharmacology Anjum A; Guide: Verma Sushil Kumar

Drug utilization of corticosteroids in department of dermatology at tertiary care teaching hospital in rural India A cross sectional study

Psychiatry Ahmed R; Guide: Mishra KK

A cross- sectional study for assessmentand comparison of the magnitude

and pattern of substance abuse in diagnosedcases of bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia in a rural medical college

Patil V; Guide: Mishra KK

A study of thrombocytopenia and hypokalemia in alcohol withdrawal delirium in tertiary health care center in rural India

Radiology Telrandhe B; Guide: Tayade AT

Role of ultrasound elastography to distinguish metastatic from reactive lymph nodes in patients with primary head and/or neck cancers

Hogale M; Guide: Kale SK

Fetal foot length as a parameter for prediction of gestational age in 15-40 weeks of pregnancy

Radiotherapy Mittal A; Guide: Vyas VJ

Prospective randomized study to compare concurrent chemoradiotherapy with concomitant boost radiotherapy in terms of overallresponse and quality of life in locallya dvanced head and neck cancer

Surgery Uplenchwar S; Guide: Gupta Dilip

Clinical studies and management of urolithiasis in patients admitted in rural hospital in central India

Kumar K; Guide: Mehra B

Autologous platelet rich plasma infusion in diabetic ulcers

Mewada S; Guide: Jategaonkar P

A randomised control study of elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy with and without abdominal drainage

Pardeshi P; Guide: Rao S

Study of clinicoepidemiological profile and management of acute scrotum

Thesis 2020

Anesthesia Kathane N; Guide: Dhande P

Comparative study between 0.5% ropivacaine with fentanyl and 0.5% bupivacaine with fentanyl in usg guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block in upper limb surgeries.

Jha N; Guide: Tidke S

The effect of nebulized ketamine in decreasing the incidence and severity of post operative sore throat after endotracheal intubation in patients receiving general anaesthesia.

Katrale S; Guide: Dhande P

A comparison of hemodynamics and ease of intubation in intubating the trachea using intubating laryngeal mask airway after induction versus awake fiberoptic bronchoscopy in patients with difficult airway.

Rathi S; Guide: Jain S

A randomized controlled study for comparative evaluation of pre-emptive single dose analgesia with pregabalin vs. Lumbar epidural analgesia using bupivacaine in adult patients undergoing laparoscopic surgeries on postoperative pain and haemodynamics.

Community Medicine Sarinkumar P S; Guide: Dambhare D

Development and validation of a tool to assess home environment conducive to child development for young children”

Joshi S; Guide: Maliye C

Impact of package of intervention promoting responsive feeding practices on nutritional status and eating behaviour of infants and young children. A cluster randomized controlled study.

Kolhe R; Guide: Gupta SS

Association of Father’s participation in responsive caregiving at 3 - 6 months of age with child development outcomes at 16 - 18 months of age: A cohort study

Muneshwar K; Guide: Gupta SS

A study to assess quality of complementary feeding and determinants of inadequate complementary feeding practices among mothers of children aged 6 – 24 months in rural area of central India: A cross sectional study with mixed methods.

Dermatology Nandwani S; Guide: Kar S

A cross-sectional study of mucocutaneous manifestations in patients with End Stage Renal Disease on hemodialysis at a rural tertiary care hospital in central India.

Deshmukh A; Guide: Jain S

Association between AcanthosisNigricans and Metabolic syndromes at rural tertiary care hospital in Central India: A case control study.

ENT Karad P; Guide: Nagpure PS

Evaluation of nasal obstruction in a tertiary health care Centre.”

Kumar S VS; Guide:Garg D

A prospective observational study of Endoscopic Septoplasty and Surgical Outcome in a Rural based Tertiary Health care Hospital.

Medicine Agrawal B; Guide:Kalantri SP

Acute Undifferentiated Febrile illness in patients presenting to a tertiary care Teaching Hospital in central India : Etiology ,Clinical Spectrum and Outcome

Khan S; Guide: Jain J

Prevalence of dementia in elderly diabetics: A case control study from rural hospital in Central India.

Dhake V; Guide:Taksande B

Study of peripheral nervous system in sickle cell anemia

Thokal D; Guide:Saxena B

Predictors of mortality and length of hospital stay in elderly patients admitted to medicine intensive care unit in a rural tertiary care hospital.

Soni P; Guide: Jain V

Clinico-demographic profile and clinical outcomes of patients requiring ventilation support in a tertiary care intensive care unit of a rural teaching medical college: a prospective cohort

Microbiology Kumari S; Guide: Thamke D

Prevalence of invasive candiadiasis in a rural tertiary care hospital: An Observational study.

Obstetrics & Ganorkar S; Guide: Jain S

Gynecology Assessment of Growth Restricted fetus with special reference to Doppler studies and its perinatal outcomes

Ophthalmology BhosaleN; Guide: ShuklaA K

Visual Outcome of Cataract Surgery After Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) or Phacoemulsification In Diabetic And Non-Diabetic Patients.

RathiN; Guide: Singh S

To Study The Effect Of Laser Assisted In –Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) Surgery On Ratio of Axial Length To Corneal Radius Curvature In Eyes With Refractive Error

SundarkarT; Guide: Dhabarde A

A Clinical Profile of ProptosisIn A Rural Based Tertiary Care Hospital

Barghare T; Guide: ShuklaA K

A Study of the Prevalence of Concomitant Squint Among Primary School Children and an Evaluation of Their Binocular Functional Outcome Following Surgical Management”

Orthopedics Wankhede A; Guide: Badole CM

Functional outcome of patellar fractures treated by open reduction and internal fixation : A prospective study

Rathod H; Guide: Patond KR

Hospital based cross sectional study of osteoporosis in men with proximal femur fractures by peripheral DEXA

Pathology Kotalwar K; Guide: Gangane N

Role of Caspase 8 as a prognostic biomarker in breast carcinoma

Hagone S; Guide: Gupta A

FoxP3 expression and overall survival in breast cancer

Vaidya V; Guide: Shivkumar VB

Audit of transfusion practices in a rural tertiary care hospital

Bhutia D; Guide: Anshu

Immunohistochemical expression of cyclin D1 in lesions of the thyroid

Pediatrics Itihas A; Guide: Jain M

Umbilical cord blood gases analysis and composite neonatal outcome –A Cohort study

Kolhe S; Chauhan V

Prospective study of early and immediate outcome of preterm neonates in rural Medical College in Central India.

Pharmacology Rajput AS; Guide:Varma SK

To study the effect of wound healing activity of Musa Balbisiana sp. peel after application of low molecular weight heparin and anti-inflammatory activity on Wister Albino Rats.

Pandhare S; Guide:Gosavi DD

Adverse drug reaction of anticraving agents like Baclofen,Naltraxone and acamprosate in relapse prevention of alcohol withdrawal syndrome: observationalprospective study

Gorjelwar P; Guide:Kale R

Transfusion related adverse reaction in patients admitted in medicine department at tertiary care teaching hospital in central india.

Psychiatry Ahmed; Guide: Mishra KK

A cross- sectional study for assessmentand comparison of the magnitude and pattern of substance abuse in diagnosedcases of bipolar affective disorder and Schizophrenia in a rural medical college

Patil V; Guide: Mishra KK

A study of thrombocytopenia andhypokalemia in alcohol withdrawaldelirium in tertiary health care center inrural India

Radiology Sood A; Guide: Tayade AT

Association of Biochemical Parameters and Risk factors with Non Alcoholic Fatty liver disease in adults

Chavan N; Guide: Kale SK

“Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Evaluation of Bone Tumours with Histopathological Correlation in Radiograph Suspected Patients in Rural Tertiary Care”.

Radiotherapy Deshmukh M; Guide: Vyas V

Experimental study to compare hypofractionated radiotherapy v/s conventional concomitant chemoradiotherapy in terms of overall response, toxicity profile and quality of life in head and neck cancers

Surgery PiyushDhaigude P; Guide:Jategaonkar P

A Prospective comparative study of perioperative complication of total extraperitonial hernia repair under general anaesthesia and Lichtenstein repair under local anaesthesia in rural tertiary care center.

Shah J; Guide: Gupta DO

Evaluation of Peptic Ulcer Perforation with a new prognostic scoring system.

Kakade R; Guide: Gupta DO

APACHE II Score in assessing surgical outcome in patients of perforation peritonitis

Page S; Guide:Pande R

“Comparative Study of Local and systemic antibiotics in prevention of surgical site infections”

Thesis 2021

Anesthesia Patil M; Guide: Premendran B

Assessment of the diagnostic accuracy of BEMPU Tempwatch in detecting perioperative hypothermia in neonates undergoing surgery.

Agrawal S; Guide: Tidke S

Comparative evaluation efficacy of Ropivacaine and Bipivacaine in Ultrasound guided TransversusAbdominis plane(TAP) Block for post-operative analgesia following lower abdominal surgeries under spinal anaesthesia in rural tertiary hospital.

Aouta G; Guide: Jain S

A Randomized Controlled Trial for Comparison of Inj. Nalbuphine Hydrochloride Versus Inj. Tramadol Hydrochloride for Treatment of Perioperative Shivering in Regional Anaesthesia.

Manikanta G; Guide: Dhande P

Comparison of videolaryngoscope versus McCoy laryngoscope ofr tracheal intubation in cervical spine surgeries.

Community Medicine Nagtode N; Guide:Gupta SS

Effect of a package of nurturing care interventions on nutritional outcome of children 0 to 24 months – a mixed method study

Patil P; Guide:Gupta SS

Role of verbal autopsy in investigating the causes of adults deaths in tribal district of Central India

KhandreR; Guide: Raut A

A study of nutritional status among the elderly and its association with health outcomes in selected villages from district in Central India

SophiyaK; Guide:Dambhare D

Effect of personalized structured counselling by the health care providers versus Information Communication and Education using Information and Communications Technology on the adverse treatment outcomes of Tuberculosis patients – a non randomized study

Chavan T; Guide: Maliye C

Assessment of adolescent girl’s communication on sexual and reproductive health matters with parents in rural India

Dermatology Bansode D; Guide: Jain S

Assessment of effectiveness of oral zinc therapy as an adjunct to intralesional Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine in patients of common verruca vulgaris in rural tertiary care centre of central India.

ENT Ambika N; Guide: Nagpure PS

Status of Eustachian Tube in Cases with Persistent Ear Discharge

More S; Guide:Nagpure PS

Comparative Study of Tympanoplasty (Type 1) in Patients of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (Mucosal Type) using Cartilage Graft Versus Temporalis Fascia Graft

Medicine More S; Guide: Jain J

Profile of Non Tuberculous Mycobacteria in Progressive Pulmonary disease in Rural Tertiary care hospital in central India Incorporating use of gelatin coated face masks for collection of samples

AwaghateS; Guide: Saxena B

Magnitude of Drug-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis (DR-TB) in outpatients and inpatients of Department of Medicine in a rural tertiary care teaching hospital located in central India: a cross-sectional study

Naik S; Guide:Kalantri SP

Diagnostic Accuracy of 20-minute Whole Blood Clotting Test (WBCT20)to detect coagulopathy in snake envenomation

Prasad DVSR; Guide:Taksande B

Study of cognitive functions in the patients of vitamin B 12 deficiency in rural tertiary care centre of central India.

Obstetrics & Mishra U; Guide: Shivkumar PV

Gynecology A comparative study of maternal and fetal outcome in epidural analgesia and entonox inhalation analgesia in laboring women at a rural tertiary care center

Anand N; Guide: Kumar P

Comparison of delayed cord clamping and umbilical cord milking in preterm new born at a tertiary care center in Central India- A randomized control trial study

Kadam S; Guide: Jain S

Comparative evaluation of trans cervical Foleys catheter and intravaginal misoprostol for pre-induction cervical ripening

Sarao PK; Guide: Shivkumar PV

Association between obesity and bacterial vaginosis assessed by nugent score in central India, a cross sectional study

Solanke N; Guide: Shivkumar PV

Perception and experience of women and health care providers bythe presence of female birth companion for Labour Support and itseffect on maternal and foetal outcomes

Ranade M; Guide: Jain S

Using quality improvement strategy for improving theexisting obstetric triaging practices in a rural tertiary care maternal and child health wing – An operational research

Ophthalmology Deshmukh S Guide: ShuklaAK

Optical coherence tomography study of retinal ganglion cell layer thickness in eyes with open angle glaucoma

Yadav V; Guide: Singh S

Change in corneal aberrations and contrast sensitivity in eyes undergoing laser assisted in-situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) in a tertiary care rural hospital

Shaikh A; Guide: Dharbarde A

A clinical study on narrow angle glaucoma in tertiary care hospital

Waingankar B; Guide: Singh S

Assessment of visual outcome after cataract surgery in a tertiary rural hospital

Orthopedics RengarlaS; Guide: Badole CM

Functional outcome of Bipolar Hemiarthoroplasty in Displaced intracapsular femoral neck fracture in elderly in rural tertiary hospital

Jagdale A; Guide: Patond KR

Open reduction internal fixation of displaced bicondaler fracture tibia with plating on one side and cannulated cancellous screws on the other side of the tibia.

Parshuramkar A; Guide: Jain P

Function outcome of treatment of per trochanteric fracture femur by using proximal femoral locking plate: follow up study.

Lohakare A; Guide: Wandile K

Assessment of functional outcomes after surgical management of closed bimalleolar ankle factures

Pathology Oommen SA; Guide: Gangane N

To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of CBNAAT in comparison to FNAC in suspected cases of tubercular lymphadenitis

Khalale P, Guide: Gupta A

Assessment of CD4 CD8 lymphocytes counts in children (2—12 years) with iron deficiency anaemia

Muda N, Guide: Shivkumar VB

Tumour budding in infiltrating breast carcinoma and its correlation with other prognostic factors – A cross-sectional study

Sarda K, Guide: Anshu

Assessment of pathological response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in mastectomy specimens from patients of breast carcinoma

Pediatrics KulkarniK; Guide: Jain M

Various Drugs Used and Outcome of Neonates Admitted in NICU in A Tertiary Health Care Centre: Observational Study.

Nongrum J; Chauhan V

A study of Electrolyte Imbalance in Children (1-15 years) on Admission in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Study in A Tertiary Care Hospital

Kamble S; Jategaonkar S

Clinical Manifestation, Etiology of Severe Anemia in Children of Age 6 months to 12 years, admitted in Tertiary Care Hospital.

Pharmacology Baheti A; Guide: Chirmurkar L

Evaluation of antidiabetic and antioxidant activity of Limoniaacidissima leaves in alloxan-induced diabetic wistar albino rats

Psychiatry Reshamwala A; Guide: Mishra KK

A cross- sectional study for assessmentand comparison of the magnitude andpattern of substance abuse in diagnosedcases of bipolar affective disorder andSchizophrenia in a rural medical college of Central India

Patil V; Guide: Mishra KK

A study of thrombocytopenia andhypokalemia in alcohol withdrawaldelirium in tertiary health care center inrural India

Radiology Sabale D; Guide: Tayade AT

Placental shear wave elastography and pulse wave deppler evaluation in pregnancies complicated with pre-eclampsia

Tiwari S; Guide: Tayade AT

Efficacy of b-mode ultrasound and pulse doppler in characterization of neoplastic adnexal masses

Chakraborty A; Guide: Kale SK

Correlation between Fetal Renal Volume and Fetal Doppler in Normal and IUGR Fetuses.

Chaudhary A; Guide: Kale SK

Role of Sonoelastography to Differentiate Benign from Malignant Thyroid Nodule.

Radiotherapy Kale P; Guide: Vyas V

A Prospective – Randomized Controlled Trial on Dosimetric Comparison of 3D-CRT versus IMRT Technique in Pelvic Irradiation of Cancer Cervix Patients

Surgery Bochare G; Guide: Gupta DO

Study of clinical profile and outcome of blunt trauma abdomen.

SatwickB; Guide: Gupta DO

Profile of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) in a rural tertiary care hospital in central India using newer diagnostic tools for confirmation of clinical cases

Tiple K; Guide: Pande R

A Prospective comparative study of TEPP with or without drain

Mohammad I; Guide: Jategaonkar PA

A prospective comparative study of perioperative complication of manual shaving versus depilation cream in preopp preparation

Last Modified: Saturday 08 February 2025.

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