Internal Quality Assurance Cell
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of MGIMS works towards the realization of the goals of quality enhancement and quality sustenance. It has developed systems for consistent improvement in the overall performance of the institution in three broad areas: teaching-learning and assessment, patient care and research. The IQAC serves as a nodal agency which liaises and communicates with different sections and departments of the institution, and channelizes all efforts towards promoting holistic academic excellence.
The IQAC is constituted according to the guidelines of the NAAC. The team consists of the following members:
Dr AK Shukla
Member from Management
Shri PL Tapadiya, Vice President, KHS
Nominees from local society and alumni
Dr Amar Taksande Dr Shashank Banait Shri PB Taori
Senior Administrative Officers
Dr Poonam Varma Shivkumar , Medical Superintendent Dr VB Shivkumar, Professor, Department of Pathology and Warden Boys Hostel Dr Chetna Maliye, Professor, Department of Community Medicine Dr Ashwini Kalantri, Incharge Hospital Information System Mrs S Narang, Administrative Officer Mr Ashok Honale, Chief Accountant Mr Girish Deo, Office Superintendent, Kasturba Hospital Mr Harshal Deoda, Asstt Engineer, Engineering and Maintenance Department
Teacher Representatives
Dr Dilip Gupta, Director-Professor & Head, Department of Surgery; Member Curriculum Committee (Surgery & Allied Subjects) Dr Jyoti Jain, Professor & Head, Medicine; Member MEU Dr V Deotale, Prof & Head, Microbiology; Member, Curriculum Committee (Paraclinical subjects) Dr Satish Kumar, Professor & Head, Biochemistry; Officer lncharge, Students' CounciI; Coordinator, PreclinicaI Curriculum Committee Dr Subodh S Gupta Director-Professor & Head, Dept of Community Medicine; Officer lncharge Research Committee Dr Smita Singh, Director-Professor & Head, Department of Ophthalmology; Officer lncharge, Library Dr Anupama Gupta,Director-Professor & Head, Department of Pathology Dr Bharti Taksande, Professor, Department of Medicine, Cordinator, Curriculum Committee
Student Representatives
Ms Vinaya Nayar Mr Amey Jorkar
IQAC Coordinators
Dr Anshu, Director-Professor, Pathology; Coordinator, Medical Education Unit Dr Vinod Shende, Associate Prof, Physiology
Strategies and mechanisms used by the IQAC:
- The IQAC has developed quality benchmarks and parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution
- It monitors the performance of all academic departments by calling for periodic, timely reports on several academic, administrative and financial indicators
- All departments submit quarterly and annual data on key indicators such as: teaching plans, progress in completion of syllabus, attendance, academic results to the IQAC through the Academic Section of the Dean’s office.
- Other measures such as publications, training courses, academic activities organized, funded research projects are monitored. Similar reports on patient and hospital data are also compiled. All these data are compiled in the form of an annual report prepared by the Documentation Unit for the IQAC. This is tabled in front of the local managing committee and the Kasturba Health Society Annual meetings every year.
- The IQAC facilitates the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education. In view of the need for blended learning, faculty are encouraged to adopt newer techniques like e-learning and trained in this modality.
- In the beginning of each year, reviews of all academic and administrative data are conducted to plan for infrastructural modifications, budget allocations, and procedural modifications. This is done to optimally use the resources for academic and administrative purposes.
- The IQAC continuously strives to encourage the pursuit of excellence at all levels in the institution
- The IQAC collates feedback from all stakeholders (students, parents, faculty, employers), analyses it and shares the results with the management. Action is taken based on this feedback and the results are shared with all stakeholders.
- The IQAC disseminates information on various quality parameters of higher education and organizes workshops, seminars etc on quality related themes.
- The IQAC pushes the quality culture agenda in the institution and tries to ensure internalization of the concept of quality
- The IQAC submits the Annual Quality Assurance Report to NAAC each year and also prepares documents for other agencies such as NIRF
In order to facilitate coordinated compilation of the AQAR, the following members have been nominated as incharges responsible for data collection for each of the NAAC criteria:
- Criterion 1: Curricular aspects: Dr Anshu, Ms Shaily Jain Kalantri
- Criterion 2: Teaching -Learning and Evaluation: Dr Vinod Shende, Dr Anshu, Mr MG Jose
- Criterion 3: Research, innovations and extensions: Dr Subodh S Gupta, Dr Arjun Jakasania, Dr Amey Dhatrak
- Criterion 4: Infrastructure and learning resources: Dr JE Waghmare, Dr Smita Jategaonkar, Dr AV Deshmukh
- Criterion 5: Student support: Dr Chetna Maliye, Dr Manisha Atram, Dr Shikha Singh
- Criterion 6: Governance, Leadership and Management: Dr Abhishek Raut, Dr Anuj Mundra
- Criterion 7: Institutional values and best practices: Dr Ruchi Kothari, Dr Vihanka Vaidya
- Criterion 8: Medical college information (Part B): Dr Anshu, Dr Sangeeta Narang, Ms Shaily Jain Kalantri.
To ensure smooth communication and coordination between teams, the following faculty have been appointed as Departmental NAAC Coordinators
Anatomy : Dr VR Wankhede
Physiology : Dr Ruchi Kothari
Biochemistry : Dr Pranita Kamble
Pathology : Dr Abhay Deshmukh
Microbiology : Dr Deepashri Maraskolhe
Pharmacology : Dr Devesh Gosavi
Forensic Medicine : Dr IL Khandekar
Community Medicine : Dr Chetna Maliye, Dr Anuj Mundra
ENT : Dr Deepika Garg
Ophthalmology : Dr Ajab Dhabarde
Dermatology : Dr Sonia Jain
Anesthesiology : Dr Dhiraj Bhandari
Radiology : Dr Sushil Kale
Radiotherapy : Dr Ashok Singh
Pediatrics : Dr Smita Jategaonkar
Medicine : Dr Amrish Saxena
Obstetrics & Gynecology: Dr Shuchi Jain
Surgery : Dr Ramesh Pande
Orthopedics : Dr Kiran Wandile
Psychiatry : Dr Harshal Sathe
Dentistry : Dr Kalyani Joshi
Title: Laboratory Internal Audit and Quality Management System Course (Organized in collaboration with the International School of Quality Management (ISQM), Hyderabad.
Date:8-11 Mar 2024Organizing Chairperson:Dr Anshu
Organizing Secretary:Dr Abhay Deshmukh
No. of delegates:31
Key topics:ISO 15189: 2022 guidelines
Resource persons:Dr Rajendra B Surpam, Dr Smita H Sudke, Dr Sadik Ali Mahammad
Participants:Ruchita Sohan Lohiya, Chetna Manoj Pangul, Amrita Singh Chauhan, Shikha Singh, Anshu, Avinash Ashokrao Warghare, Pooja Rameshrao Pete, Deepak Kumar, Prashanth.A, Priyanka Laxmanrao Shahne, Rekha Sheetal Zade, Archana Pradeep Kannurkar, Priyanka Pandurang Sakhare, Himanshi Jain, Hindol Maity, Rashmi G Taksande, Sumedh Wamanrao Patil, Pranali Vipinchandra Kamekar, Pratiksha Ganpat Tichkule, Rathod Divya Shivaji Kamal, Poornima Panday, Gyanchandani Ankita Anil Kumar, Amol D Thakre, Ankush Chandrakant Kawalkar, Ritu Sachin Agrawal, Sagar Jagdish Gawai, Pratik Rajesh Awasarmol, Aniket Sunil Karale, Prashant Mulchand Aherwar, Kanchan Sudhir Chafle, Shweta Kawalkar
Title: We Believe: A Workshop for integration of gender in medical education (Organized in collaboration with Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT), Mumbai)
Date:27-29 March 2024
Organizing Secretary:Dr Arjunkumar Jakasania
No. of delegates:36
Key topics:Gender in health, intersectionality,
inclusivity for disability, inclusivity for sexual minorities, PLA tools,
Facilitation skills, using poetry as an affective tool, advocacy for
gender, integrating gender competencies in the curriculum
Resource persons:Renu Khanna, Sangeeta Rege, Amruta
Bavadekar, Ajinkya Deshmukh, Satendra Singh, Aqsa Shaikh, Harikeerthan
Raghuram, Subodh S Gupta, Abhishek Raut, Anshu, Arjunkumar Jakasania,
Indrajit Khandekar
Participants:Aditi Dabir, Aiswarya P, Aparna Rode, Ayushi
Anil Rathod, Abhishek Naidu, Amrutha K P, Arzoo Meshram, Astha Mishra,
Faizal Zamir Khan, Kalaivani M, Kaustubh Khetre, Rahul Solanki, Sagar
Arvind Padhye, Santosh Shankarrao Kurude, Shraddha, Uma Mahesswaran, Aditya
Sharma, Deepika Bishnoi, Priyanka Vittal, Robinson V Thomas, Sayali Jadhao,
Subhasri Subhadarsini, Tanisha, Vandana Kashyap, Vinay Kumar, Nitesh
Upadhyay, Pooja Sohil, Manjeet Mohanty, Nikhil Ekade, Sreevidya PA, Sumeet
Vaidya, Lasya Reddy, Vishaka Motape, Naveen SK, Titixa, Swati Misra
Observers: Priya Prabhu, Manisha Gohel, Shikha Jain,
Avadhesh Divakar, Devendra Gour
Title : Workshop on Enhancing Student Outcomes
Date: 20-21 Apr 2023Organizing Secretary: Dr Anshu, Coordinator IQAC, MGIMS Sevagram
No. of delegates: 40 participants
Key topics: 4S model for Students Needing Additional Curricular Support (SNACS), SNACS/SNAPS – The variation & the need-based strategies (case scenarios with groupwork), 4S model introduction and description of identification (SPOT), 4S model – Support, Scan and Sustain, Salutogenesis & sense of coherence
Resource person: Dr KR Sethuraman, Dr M Shivasakthy
Title : Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights: The patents and designs process (Organized in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management, Nagpur)
Date : 4 Jan 2022Organizing Secretary : Dr Anshu, Coordinator IQAC, MGIMS Sevagram
No. of delegates : 160 participants
Key topics : What are intellectual property rights (IPR); What is a patent; What is a copyright; What is a design trademark; Can you convert your original idea into a patent or a copyright; What is the process of filing a patent or a copyright
Resource person : Mrs Pooja Maulikar, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management
Title : Antarchakshu: An immersion experience in to the world of visual impairment (Workshop 1), (organized in collaboration with Xavier’s Resource Centre for the Visually Challenged, Mumbai)
Date : 20 Jan 2022Organizing Secretary : Dr Anshu, Coordinator, IQAC, MGIMS Sevagram
No. of delegates : 15 participants
Key topics : Workshop on disability sensitization towards visually impaired; conversation with visually impaired who do everyday things, in an extraordinary manner.
Resource persons : Mr Krishna Warrier, Xavier’s Resource Centre for the Visually Challenged, Mumbai; Ganesh, Turab Chimthanawala
Title : Antarchakshu: An immersion experience in to the world of visual impairment (Workshop 2), (organized in collaboration with Xavier’s Resource Centre for the Visually Challenged, Mumbai)
Date : 22 Jan 2022Organizing Secretary : Dr Anshu, Coordinator, IQAC, MGIMS Sevagram
No. of delegates : 12 participants
Key topics : Workshop on disability sensitization towards visually impaired; conversation with visually impaired who do everyday things, in an extraordinary manner.
Resource persons : Mr Krishna Warrier, Xavier’s Resource Centre for the Visually Challenged, Mumbai; Ganesh
Title :Workshop on Gender Matters in Medical Education and Health Care (Organized in collaboration with Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT), Mumbai)
Date : 12 Feb 2022Organizing Secretary : Dr Anshu, Coordinator, IQAC, MGIMS Sevagram
No. of delegates : 223
Key topics : Sex, gender and health; integrating gender in medical education: lessons from Maharashtra; Gender sensitivity in medical practice
Resource persons : Dr Renu Khanna, Ms Sangeeta Rege, Ms Amruta Bavadekar, Dr Shrinivas Gadappa