
On 24 Jul 2018, The Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Library was inaugurated in its new premises. The state-of-the-art library is spread across 16000 square feet, features a waiting area, lounge chairs, sofas and cushioned tiered reading spaces for 225 undergraduate students, 100 postgraduate students and 75 faculty members. In addition to 50,000 journals and books, the library also hosts an audio-visual room, a group discussion room, a 50-seat computer section, reprography area, areas for study, secure archival storage for books, theses and journals and a cafeteria. It also provides enough lockers for students to preserve their belongings. The entire area is wi-fi enabled.
The Central Library plays a vital role in the collection, development and dissemination of medical, scientific and technical information to meet the present and future needs of the departments of the Institute . The aim of college central library is to become an instrument of information and an integral part of the teaching programme. Thus the basic function of the library is to assist every department to carry its programme and adequately serve the information needs and requirements of the faculty members, research scholars, postgraduates and undergraduates. All the members can make full use of its resources and services.
This year the library subscribed to 105 medical journals; 32 of them being international journals with 7 e-journals having very high impact factor such as Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Annals of Internal Medicine, BMJ and Archives of Internal Medicine, and 73 national journals. In addition, the National Medical Library, DGHS, New Delhi facilitated 235+ high impact e- journals (International) through ERMED Consortium under a single gateway. In addition, the library has subscribed to digital resources like & DELNET library consortium as well as 2074 e-resources of the Digital Library of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. The existing stock is of 30985 books which include reference books and e-books of each specialty as well as a robust fiction section for our young and old readers.
Campuswide free access to UpToDate
In 2012, MGIMS bought an annual campus wide subscription of UpToDate®, an evidence-based, physician-authored clinical knowledge resource which clinicians trust to make the right point-of-care decisions. Medical students, residents, faculty and researchers at MGIMS now use UpToDate in diverse locations - in their classrooms, in the post-graduate teaching sessions, at the point of care in the hospital wards and intensive care units and even in the crowded outpatient departments. The evidence-based electronic source of information helps doctors to use the most appropriate screening test, order the most reliable diagnostic test, choose the best option for their patients, compare and contrast the two modes of therapy and predict the outcomes of their patients. By combining rich experience with evidence, now the doctors at MGIMS help patients get the best therapy that is also tailored to their socio economic status, their wishes, and their choices.
“We have been immensely benefited by electronic access to UpToDate, said a resident working in the intensive care unit”. “Now, we can ensure that our patients are treated not by the whims and fancies, dated ideas and idiosyncrasies of their physicians, but by recommendations that have a proven track record,” said another resident. And they have a reason to be delighted. UpToDate has a team that comprises of more than 5,700 world-renowned physician authors, editors and peer reviewers who use a rigorous editorial process to synthesize the most recent medical information into trusted, evidence-based recommendations that are proven to improve patient care and quality. More than 850,000 clinicians in 164 countries and almost 90% of academic medical centers in the U.S. rely on UpToDate, and more than 30 research studies confirm the widespread usage of UpToDate and its association with improved patient care and hospital performance - including reduced length of stay, adverse complications and mortality. MGIMS is one of the few teaching hospitals in the country where students and faculty get free access to UpTodate- 24/7.
International Journals |
1 |
Acta Cytologica |
2 |
Acta Obstetrica Scandinvica |
3 |
Acta Orthopedica Scandinvica |
4 |
Acta Pediatrica |
5 |
American Journal of Cardiology |
6 |
American Journal of Clinical Pathology |
7 |
American Journal of Epidemiology |
8 |
American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology |
9 |
American Journal of Gastroenterology |
10 |
American Journal of Medicine |
11 |
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology |
12 |
American Journal of Otolaryngology |
13 |
American Journal of Psychiatry |
14 |
American Journal Of Public Health |
15 |
American Journal of Surgery |
16 |
American Journal of Surgical Pathology |
17 |
Anesthesia |
18 |
Anesthesia & Analgesia |
19 |
Anesthesia & Intensive care |
20 |
Anesthesiology |
21 |
Anesthesiology Clinics of North America |
22 |
Annals of Internal of Medicine |
23 |
Annals of Royal College of Surgeons of England |
24 |
Annals of Surgery |
25 |
Annual Review of Biochemistry |
26 |
Annual Review of Microbiology |
27 |
Annual Review of Neurosciences |
28 |
Annual Review of Physiology |
29 |
Annual Review of Pharmacology & Toxicology |
30 |
Antimicrobial agents & Chemotherapy |
31 |
Archives of Dermatology |
32 |
Archives of General Psychiatry |
33 |
Archives of Internal Medicine |
34 |
Archives of Neurology |
35 |
Archives of Ophthalmology |
36 |
Archives of Otolaryngology & H. N. S. |
37 |
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine |
38 |
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |
39 |
Archives of Surgery |
40 |
British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology |
41 |
British Journal of Urology |
42 |
Brtish Journal of Anesthesia |
43 |
British Journal of Ophthalmology |
44 |
British Journal of Pharmacology |
45 |
British Journal of Psychiatry |
46 |
British Journal of Radiology |
47 |
British Journal of Surgery |
48 |
British Medical Bulletin |
49 |
British Medical Journal |
50 |
BMJ Clinical Evidence Hand Book |
51 |
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia |
52 |
Cancer |
53 |
Circulation |
54 |
Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology |
55 |
Clinical Orthopedics & Related Research |
56 |
Clinical Radiology |
57 |
Diabetes Care |
58 |
Disease - a - Month |
59 |
E. N. T. Journal |
60 |
Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology |
61 |
Gut |
62 |
Heart |
63 |
Human Pathology |
64 |
International Journal of Epidemiology |
65 |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
66 |
International Journal of Social Psychiatry |
67 |
International Journal of T.B.& Lung Diseases |
68 |
International Ophthalmology Clinics |
69 |
International Orthopedics |
70 |
Journal of American Academy Of Dermatology |
71 |
Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) |
72 |
Journal of Anatomy |
73 |
Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (American) & (British) |
74 |
Journal of Clinical Microbiology |
75 |
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound |
76 |
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health |
77 |
Journal of Forensic sciences |
78 |
Journal of Hand Surgery ( British European) |
79 |
Journal of Hospital Infection |
80 |
Journal of Infectious Diseases |
81 |
Journal of Laryngology & Otology |
82 |
Journal of Medical Microbiology |
83 |
Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology |
84 |
Journal of oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
85 |
Journal of Parasitology |
86 |
Journal of Pathology |
87 |
Journal of Pediatrics |
88 |
Journal of Plastic & Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery |
89 |
The Lancet |
90 |
The Laryngoscope |
91 |
Medical Clinics of North America |
92 |
Medico Legal Journal |
93 |
Microbiology & Molecular Biology Review (MMBR) |
94 |
Modern Pathology |
95 |
Mycologia |
96 |
National Geography |
97 |
Obstetrics & Gynecology |
98 |
Obste. & Gynae. Clinics of N. America |
99 |
Orthopedics Clinics of North America |
100 |
Otolarngologic Clinics of North America |
101 |
Otolaryngology - Head,Neck, Surgery |
102 |
Pediatric Clinics of North America |
103 |
Pediatrics In Review |
104 |
Physiological Reviews |
105 |
Physiology ( formerly News in Physiological Sciences) |
106 |
The Practitioner |
107 |
Radiologic Clinics of North America |
108 |
Respiratory Medicine |
109 |
Science & Justice |
110 |
Seminars in Hematology |
111 |
The Spine Journal |
112 |
Surgical Clinics of North America |
113 |
The Surgeon |
114 |
Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TIBS) |
115 |
Trends in Genetics |
116 |
Tropical Medicine & International Health (TIMH) |
117 |
Tuberculosis |
118 |
Chest |
119 |
Journal of American College of Surgeons |
120 |
New England Journal of Medicine |
121 |
Ophthalmology |
122 |
Pediatrics |
123 |
Physical therapy |
124 |
Science |
125 |
Scientific American |
126 |
Bulletin Of The World Health Organization |
127 |
W.H.o. Drug Information |
128 |
Weekely Epidemiological Record |
129 |
Journal of Water Health |
130 |
Regional Health Forum |
131 |
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal |
132 |
World Health Statistics (Annual) |
Year Books |
133 |
Year book of Anesthesiology |
134 |
Year book of Cardiology |
135 |
Year book of Dermatology |
136 |
Year book of Family Practice |
137 |
Year book of Neonatal & Perinatal Medicine |
138 |
Year book of Orthopedics |
139 |
Year book of Pathology |
140 |
Year book of Psychiatry |
141 |
Year book of Surgery |
142 |
Year book of Oncology |
143 |
Year book of Ophthalmology |
144 |
Year book of Radiology |
145 |
Year book of Medicine |
146 |
Year book of Obstetrics & Gynecology |
147 |
Year book of Otolaryngology |
148 |
Year book of Pulmonary Diseases |
Nursing |
149 |
Advance Critical Care Nursing |
150 |
American Journal of Nursing |
151 |
Canadian Nurse |
152 |
Cancer Nursing |
153 |
Clinical Nurse Specialist |
154 |
Journal of Nursing Education |
155 |
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health |
156 |
Nursing Administration |
National |
157 |
Ancient Science Of Life |
158 |
Antiseptic |
159 |
Asian Hospital And Health Care Management |
160 |
Annals Of Library Information Studies 2010 |
161 |
Biomedical Research |
162 |
Current Science |
163 |
Down To Earth |
164 |
Fertility & Sterility Since, 2010 |
165 |
Health For The Millions |
166 |
Indian Journal Of Anesthesia |
167 |
Indian Journal Of Biochem. & Biophysics |
168 |
Indian Journal Of Burns |
169 |
Indian Journal Of Cancer |
170 |
Indian Journal Of Chest Diseases & Allied Sci.. |
171 |
Indian Journal Of Clinical Biochemistry |
172 |
Indian Journal Of Clinical Practice ( Ijcp ) |
173 |
Indian Journal Of Community Medicine |
174 |
Indian Journal Of Criminology |
175 |
Indian Journal Of Dermatology |
176 |
Indian Journal Of Dermatology,Venerology & Lepro. |
177 |
Indian Journal Of Experimentalt Biology |
178 |
Indian Journal Of Gastroenterology |
179 |
Indian Journal Of Gynecology Oncology |
180 |
Indian Journal Of Leprosy |
181 |
Indian Journal Of Medical Ethics |
182 |
Indian Journal Of Medical Microbiology |
183 |
Indian Journal Of Microbiology |
184 |
Indian Journal Of Medical & Pediatric Oncology |
185 |
Indian Journal Of Medical Research |
186 |
Indian Journal Of Occupational Therapy |
187 |
Indian Journal Of Otolaryngology |
188 |
Indian Journal Of Pediatrics |
189 |
Indian Journal Of Patho. & Microbiology |
190 |
Indian Journal Of Physiology & Pharmacology |
191 |
Indian Journal Of Pharmacology |
192 |
Indian Journal Of Psychiatry |
193 |
Indian Journal Of Public Health |
194 |
Indian Journal Of Sexually Transmitted Dis. |
195 |
Indian Medical Gazette |
196 |
Indian Practitioner |
197 |
International Journal Of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
198 |
Journal Of Anatomical Society Of India |
199 |
Journal Of Biosciences |
200 |
Journal Of Communicable Diseases |
201 |
Journal Of Clinical Diagnostic Research |
202 |
Journal Of Family Weifare |
203 |
Journal Of Genetics |
204 |
Journal Of Indian Academy Of Forensic Medicine |
205 |
206 |
207 |
Journal Of Karnataka Medico-Legal Society |
208 |
Journal Of Medical Physics |
209 |
Journal Of Scientific & Industrial Research |
210 |
Medico Legal Update |
211 |
Media Voice |
212 |
National Medical Journal Of India |
213 |
Neurology India |
214 |
Otorhinolaryngology Clinics |
215 |
Yoga & Total Health |
216 |
Kasturba Darshan |
217 |
Gandhi Marg |