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Medical Education Unit

Training the Trainers: Faculty Development at MGIMS

“No bubble is so iridescent or floats longer than that blown by a successful teacher” -Sir William Osler

Teaching, patient care and research are the cornerstones of the medical profession. Quite too often, the roles of the clinician and the researcher overshadow that of a teacher. However if the system is to produce competent doctors, the foremost priority would be to provide good teachers. So then, what makes a good clinical teacher? Does being a good clinician automatically mean that one is a good teacher? Unfortunately, no! Current wisdom demands that medical teachers must be honed in the craft of pedagogy along with their training in the science of medicine.

The Medical Education Unit (MEU) of MGIMS was started in 1994 to polish the skills of medical faculty at MGIMS in the art of teaching. The focus is not only on teaching, but also on developing the complex roles of being mentors, assessors, curriculum designers, facilitators and role models. In order to support clinicians in their teaching skills, a dedicated and enthusiastic group of faculty members at the MEU has been conducting faculty development activities since the last four decades.

The Medical Education Unit consists of over 20 faculty most of whom have completed advanced courses in health professions education such as Masters in Health Professions Education, Fellowships from the Foundation of Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) and Advanced Course in Medical Education. The team organized a highly successful National Conference on Health Professions Education in 2014. The Unit conducts Basic Workshops in Medical Education Technology twice a year, while workshops in specialized areas are conducted round the year. The basic course workshops are recognized by the Medical Council of India and conducted in the presence of observers from NMC’s Nodal Centre. These workshops use a unique blend of innovative learning strategies and games in a lively environment, where the seniors share their experiences with the newbies. The MEU has organized workshops on Curriculum Innovation Support Programme in the wake of the introduction of a competency-based curriculum. An advanced workshop on MCQ construction was also conducted for the faculty. The evaluation conducted at the end of these workshops show that the immediate response to these workshops has been very positive. Faculty are encouraged to unleash their creativity in their teaching and assessment. and be more interactive in their manner.


The Medical Education Unit moved into its new premises in 2022-23. The MEU Seminar Room was renovated and revamped with modern audiovisual facilities and furniture. In addition, equipment and manikins worth almost Rs 50 lakhs were procured for the Central Skills Laboratory in view of the emphasis on skills teaching in the new competency-based curriculum.


S. No



Role in MEU


Dr AK Shukla

Dean and Director Professor, Ophthalmology



Dr Anshu

MHPE (Maastricht University), FAIMER Fellow (Philadelphia), CMCL-FAIMER Fellow, IFME Fellow

Professor, Pathology



Dr Anupama Gupta

MHPE (Keele University), GSMC-FAIMER Fellow

Director-Professor and Head, Pathology

MEU Faculty


Dr Subodh S Gupta


Director-Professor and Head, Comm. Medicine

MEU Faculty


Dr Smita Singh


Professor, Ophthalmology

MEU Faculty


Dr VB Shivkumar

Professor, Pathology

MEU Faculty


Dr Chetna Maliye


Professor, Comm. Med

MEU Faculty


Dr Sonia Jain

Advanced Course in Medical Education

Professor & HOD, Skin & VD

MEU Faculty


Dr Jwalant Waghmare

MHPE (MUHS Nashik)

Professor & HOD, Anatomy

MEU Faculty


Dr Abhishek V Raut

Advanced Course in Medical Education, PSG-FAIMER Fellow (ongoing)

Professor, Comm. Med

MEU Faculty


Dr Jyoti Jain

Advanced Course in Medical Education

Professor and Head, Medicine

MEU Faculty


Dr Devesh Gosavi

Advanced Course in Medical Education

Professor, Pharmacology

MEU Faculty


Dr Pooja Batra

Advanced Course in Medical Education

Professor, Surgery

MEU Faculty


Dr Atul Tayade

Advanced Course in Medical Education

Professor and Head, Radiology

MEU Faculty


Dr Smita Jategaonkar

Advanced Course in Medical Education

Professor, Pediatrics

MEU Faculty


Dr Ranjana Kale

Advanced Course in Medical Education

Professor, Pharmacology

MEU Faculty

Activities Organized

Transformative education: preparing midwives for relationship-based midwifery care

The MEU organized sessions for this course on request for the National Midwifery Educators Training Course, held at Kasturba Nursing College, Sevagram
Dates : 20 July- 6 Aug 2022
Coordinator : Dr Anshu
Resource faculty: Dr Anshu, Ms Karen Drayton, Dr Smita Jategaonkar, Dr Anupama Gupta, Dr Pooja Batra, Dr Jwalant Waghmare, Dr VijayashriDeotale, Dr Chetna Maliye, Dr Smita Singh, Dr Pooja Batra, Dr Pradeep Bokariya, Dr Devesh Gosavi, Dr Abhishek Raut, Dr Subodh S Gupta, Dr Poonam Varma Shivkumar, Dr Dilip Gupta, Dr VB Shivkumar, Dr Sonia Jain, Dr Ranjana Kale, Dr Bharati Taksande, Dr Jyoti Jain
Number of participants : 30 midwife educators
Key topics:
1. Developing knowledge for practice and putting knowledge into practice: What are competencies for midwives, Reflective practice including Gibbs’s model;
2. How we can learn to be competent and acquire knowledge, skills and behaviour for practice: How do we learn? (including experiential learning and Kolb’s cycle), Educational Taxonomy;
3. How we can learn to be competent and acquire knowledge, skills and behaviour for practice: Developing objectives: Knowledge, skill, attitudinal; How to prepare a lesson plan, Microteaching;
4. Experiential and scenario- based learning for practice: How to use case scenarios for teaching, How to use flipped classrooms for midwifery education;
5. Develop educational approaches based on principles of learning: Simulation technologies in Midwifery education
6. Teaching and Clinical Training Skills: Teaching and learning approaches for midwifery education
7. Principles of Assessment: Introduction to Assessment; Assessment Methods, Principles: validity, reliability, cost-effectiveness, feasibility, acceptability; long answer questions, short answer questions, multiple choice questions

Workshop on Developing Good Study Skills for Undergraduate Students

Date : 11 Sep 2022
Coordinator : Dr Anshu
Resource faculty : Dr Abhishek Raut, Dr Subodh S Gupta, Dr Ruchi Kothari, Dr Anshu, Dr Smita Singh, Dr Anupama Gupta, Dr Pooja Batra
Participants : 30
Key topics : Ice breaking session, Habits of successful students, Why do I forget what I study, Knowing how you learn, Time management for a healthy work-life balance, How do you read, Concept maps, Cornell’s note taking technique, Learning clinical skills, Learning together, Best practices in writing exams, The wonders of viva voce

Workshop on Enhancing Student Outcomes

Dates: 20-21 Apr 2022

Coordinator: Dr Anshu

Resource Faculty: Dr Shivasakthy Manivasakan, Dr KR Sethuraman

Key topics: Identifying students needing additional curricular support (SNACS) and additional psychological support (SNAPS); Case scenarios; Correlation of internal assessment with university performance; The 4S model to scaffold SNACS; Salutogenesis and sense of coherence.

Number of participants: 32

Participants: Dr Ruchi Kothari, Dr Sonia Jain, Manisha Bhalavi, Dr Smita Jategaonkar, Dr Jyoti Jain, Dr Pradeep Bokariya, Dr Subodh S Gupta, Dr Arjunkumar Hardas Jakasania, Dr Chetna Maliye, Dr Anupama Gupta, Dr Anshu, Dr Abhishek V Raut, Dr Deepashri Pratyeke (Maraskolhe), Dr Dharampal Ghanshyamji Dambhare, Dr Vitaladevuni B Shivkumar, Dr Varsha Chauhan, Dr Bharati Taksande, Dr Vandana R Wankhede, Ms Pranali Rameshrao Bhoyar, Dr Smita Singh, Dr Bharat Umakant Patil, Dr Sucheta Tidke, Dr Vijay Gujar, Dr Vijayshri Deotale, Dr Dilip Gupta, Dr Abhay Vilas Deshmukh, Dr Amey Dhatrak, Dr Anuragsingh Chandel, Dr Chetna Nikhar, Dr Pooja Batra, Dr Ajay Kumar Shukla, Dr Ruchita Sohan Lohiya

News Report

Advanced Workshop on MCQ Construction and Item Analysis

Dates: 24-25 Feb 2022

Four credit points awarded by Maharashtra Medical Council

Convenor: Dr Anshu

Coordinator: Dr Devesh Gosavi

Resource Faculty: Dr Anshu, Dr Anupama Gupta, Dr Subodh S Gupta, Dr Abhishek Raut, Dr Ruchi Kothari, Dr Pradeep Bokariya, Dr Devesh Gosavi, Dr Sonia Jain, Dr Dilip Gupta, Dr Pooja Batra, Dr Ashwini Kalantri

MMC Observer: Dr Pankaj Murkey

Key topics: Introduction to workshop theme, Different formats of selection type questions, Strengths and weaknesses of MCQs, Where to use MCQs, Structure of an MCQ, Common flaws in MCQ writing, Group work on single best answer MCQ writing: correcting flaws, Introduction to MOODLE with hands on, Quiz settings in MOODLE with hands on, Add questions - Multiple choice questions, Add questions- Short answer questions, Matching questions, Add questions - Drag and drop, matching and other types of questions, Setting questions from the question bank, Scenario-based MCQs, Group work on writing scenario-based questions, Individual work: Correcting flaws and creating individual question banks, Making MOODLE easier: Tips and tricks, Loading questions from MSWord and MS Excel to MOODLE, Item analysis, Group work on item analysis, Item analysis on MOODLE with hands-on exercise

Number of participants: 30

Participants: Dr Vandana R. Wankhede, Mrs Pranali R. Bhoyar, Dr Shweta S. Talhar, Dr Vijay K. Gujar, Dr. Nishant Bansod, Dr. Pranita Waghmare, Dr. Karuna Kachhwa, Dr Manisha Bhalavi, Dr Shubhangi Mangam, Dr Ruchita S Lohiya, Dr Leena Chimurkar, Dr Pravin Zopate, Dr Anuj Mundra, Dr. Amey Ashok Dhatrak, Dr M Azhar Mohd.Yusuf Sheikh, Dr Navneet Chhabda, Dr Harshal Sathe, Dr Megha Kawale, Dr Varsha Chauhan, Dr Anuragsingh Chandel, Dr Mangesh Hivre, Dr Madhura Joshi, Dr Abasaheb Thorat, Dr Shila Shelke, Dr Nikhil Yadav, Dr. Kiran Wandile, Dr Dhammadeep Ganvir, Dr Rashmi Mahajan

News Report

Revised Basic Course Workshop on Medical Education Technology for full-time faculty

Dates: 10-12 Jan 2022

Coordinator: Dr Anshu

Resource Faculty: Dr VB Shivkumar, Dr Subodh S Gupta, Dr Smita SIngh, Dr Anshu, Dr Dilip Gupta, Dr Jyoti Jain, Dr Vijayshri Deotale, Dr Bharati Taksande, Dr Atul Tayade, Dr Jwalant Waghmare, Dr Sonia Jain, Dr Abhishek Raut, Dr Ruchi Kothari, Dr Pradeep Bokariya, Dr Pooja Batra, Dr Devesh Gosavi, and Dr Smita Jategaonkar

Observer from Nodal Centre: Dr Prakash Mohite

Key topics: Ice breaking and group dynamics, Systems approach, Principles of adult learning, Learning process, Goals, roles and Competencies: CBME, The Indian Medical Graduate: Goals, roles and competencies, Learning domains and progression of learning, Objectives - Writing objectives - Developing objectives from competencies, linking learning and assessment with competencies, Workshop on writing objectives, Introduction to assessment, Choosing a teaching method for objectives and competencies – Workshop, Interactive and Innovative teaching methods including Large Group (Demo), Small Group (with demo) and appropriate use of media, Writing a lesson plan, Assessment planning and quality assurance, Writing the correct essay question, short answer question and MCQ, Internal assessment and Formative assessment, Discussion on AETCOM Module: Reflections and Narratives, Effective clinical and practical skill teaching, Assessment of clinical and practical skills, Matching assessment to competency, objectives and learning: Workshop, Improving SDL through technology, Feedback, Educational networking for growth

Number of participants: 30

Participants: Dr Kiran Wandile, Dr Ranjana Kale, Dr Abasaheb Thorat, Dr Amrish Saxena, Dr Anam Khusrau Khan, Dr Apurv Mahalle, Dr Bhakthraj Thombre, Dr Chandrashekhar Badole, Dr Chetna Nikhar, Dr Deepali Behar, Dr Dhammadeep Ganvir, Dr Dharampal Dambhare, Dr Dhiraj Bhandari, Dr Gajendra Choukikar, Dr Madhukar S Bharambe, Dr Nikhil Yadav, Dr Pramod Kumar, Dr Preetam Salunkhe, Dr Richa Goyal, Dr Shikha Singh, Dr Shobha Pajai, Dr Shreya Mor, Dr Supratim Roy, Dr Harshad Ghawghawe, Dr Anupama Gupta, Dr Ajay Rajeshwar Chaudhari, Dr Mohan M Pethe, Dr Trupti Gorte, Dr Vinod Shende, Dr Shuchi Jain

News Report

Revised Basic Course Workshop for Full-time Teaching faculty

Date: 15-17 Sep 2021

Coordinator: Dr A Gupta

Observer from Nodal Centre: Dr. Alka Rawekar

Number of participants : 26

Resource persons : Dr A Gupta, Dr SS Gupta, Dr Anshu, Dr Satish Kumar, Dr C Maliye, Dr JE Waghmare, Dr S Jain, Dr Smita Singh, Dr AV Raut, Dr R Kothari, Dr A Tayade, Dr Dilip Gupta, Dr P Bokariya, Dr P Batra, Dr R Brahmane

Key topics: Ice breaking and Group dynamics; Systems approach, Principles of adult learning, Learning process; Goals, roles and Competencies: CBME; The IMG – Goals, roles and Competencies; Learning domains and progression of learning; Objectives - Writing objectives - Developing objectives from competencies, linking learning and assessment with competencies; Workshop on writing objectives; Introduction to assessment; Choosing a teaching method for objectives and competencies – Workshop; Interactive and Innovative teaching methods including Large Group (Demo), Small Group (with demo) and appropriate use of media; Writing a lesson plan; Assessment planning and quality assurance, Writing the correct essay question, short answer question and MCQ; Internal assessment and Formative assessment; Discussion on AETCOM Module: Reflection and Narratives; Matching assessment to competency, objectives and learning Workshop - Choosing the right assessment; Effective clinical and practical skill teaching; Assessment of clinical and practical skills; Improving SDL through technology; Feedback; Educational networking for growth

Participants: Dr PS Nagpure, Dr Prasheel K Gupta, Dr Ravi Batra, Dr Manish Jain, Dr Samir Jaipal Yelwatkar, Dr Madhura Joshi, Dr Amey Dhatrak, Dr Arjunkumar Jakasania, Dr Deepashri P Pratyeke (Maraskolhe), Dr Varsha Hitendra Chauhan, Dr Kanchan Mohod, Dr Vandana R Wankhede, Dr Pankaj Nandkishore Murkey, Dr Indrajit Laxman Khandekar, Dr Pravinkumar V Ghongade, Dr. Sachin Pawar, Dr Vina Baliram Dhurve, Dr Ajab Chandandas Dhabarde, Dr Benhur Premendran, Dr Purnima Bhandari, Dr Sushil Kumar Varma, Dr Devesh D Gosavi, Dr Anup Zade, Dr Azhar Sheikh, Dr Priyanka S Yadav, Dr Bharti Mahindrakar Jain

Revised Basic Course Workshop for Full-time Teaching faculty

Date: 3-5 Aug 2021

Coordinator: Dr A Gupta

Observer: Dr. Sonali Chaudhari, Nodal Centre JNMC, Sawangi

Resource persons : Dr A Gupta, Dr SS Gupta, Dr C Maliye, Dr JE Waghmare, Dr V Deotale, Dr R Kothari, Dr A Tayade, Dr PV Shivkumar, Dr DD Gosavi, Dr P Batra, Dr J Jain, Dr B Taksande, Dr R Brahmane

Key topics: Ice breaking and Group dynamics; Systems approach, Principles of adult learning, Learning process; Goals, roles and Competencies: CBME; The IMG – Goals, roles and Competencies; Learning domains and progression of learning; Objectives - Writing objectives - Developing objectives from competencies, linking learning and assessment with competencies; Workshop on writing objectives; Introduction to assessment; Choosing a teaching method for objectives and competencies – Workshop; Interactive and Innovative teaching methods including Large Group (Demo), Small Group (with demo) and appropriate use of media; Writing a lesson plan; Assessment planning and quality assurance, Writing the correct essay question, short answer question and MCQ; Internal assessment and Formative assessment; Discussion on AETCOM Module: Reflection and Narratives; Matching assessment to competency, objectives and learning Workshop - Choosing the right assessment; Effective clinical and practical skill teaching; Assessment of clinical and practical skills; Improving SDL through technology; Feedback; Educational networking for growth

Number of participants : 29

Participants: Dr Sucheta Tidke, Dr BH Tirpude, Dr K Mishra, Dr AK Shukla, Dr VB Shivkumar, Dr Ramesh Kumar Pande, Dr Bharat Patil, Dr Leena V Chimurkar, Dr Abhishek Raut, Dr Pravin Zopate, Dr Pradeep Bokariya, Dr Vijay Gujar, Dr Ruchita Lohiya, Dr Manisha Atram, Dr Pranita Waghmare, Dr Shweta Talhar, Dr Mrinalini Fulzele, Dr Deepika Garg, Dr Dilip Gupta, Dr Shila Shelke, Dr Anuj Mundra, Dr Harshal Sathe, Dr. Shridhar S Jadhav, Dr Pratiksha M Sonkusale, Dr Anuragsingh Chandel, Dr Ashok Ramji Singh, Dr Dhananjay Ghodke, Dr Payal Meshram, Dr. Girish Mote, Dr. Supratim Roy

Curriculum Implementation Support Programme (CISP) II Workshop (as per MCI guidelines)

Organized by Curriculum Committee and Medical Education Unit

Date : 28-29 Aug 2020

Coordinators : Dr A Gupta

Key topics : Introduction to CBME; salient differences from conventional model;how to link national health needs to competencies and objectives;linking of competency with domains of learning using the competency; relevant TL methods, time frame, training methods, integration, assessment; new additions like Foundation Course, formative feedback, concept of electives, components, timeframe and examples; Purpose, mission and objectives & booklet review;Early Clinical Exposure (ECE) Concept, framework; Integration- concept, framework (using examples from competency table);aligning & integrating competencies- Designing time table;Skills training- Competency acquisition, assessment in CBME- Principles as relevant to CBME, assessment methods, aligning assessment to competency objectives &TLM, learning resource materials, curricular governance, further training and faculty development

Resource persons : Dr S Kumar, Dr A Gupta, Dr S Gupta, Dr Smita Singh, Dr Anshu, Dr B Taksande, Dr S Jain, Dr J Waghmare, Dr P Batra, Dr R Kothari

Observer : Dr Gaurav Mishra, Nodal center JNMC, Sawangi

Participants : 30 Faculty members

Participants: Dr Pradeep Bokariya, Dr Vijay Gujar, Dr Shweta Talhar, Dr Pranita Waghmare, Dr N M Gangane, Dr VB Shivkumar, Dr Manisha Atram, Dr Bharat Patil, Dr Abhay Deshmukh, Dr Ranjana Kale, Dr Mohan Pethe, Dr Leena Chimurkar, Dr Rahul Narang, Dr Dipak Thamke, Dr Ruchita Attal, Dr BH Tirpude, Dr PR Zopate, Dr Chetna Maliye, Dr Abhishek Raut, Dr Vishakha Jain, Dr KK Mishra, Dr Smita Jategaonkar, Dr Sucheta Tidke, Dr AT Tayade, Dr Ramesh Pande, Dr Priyadarshan Jategaonkar, Dr Sanjivani Wanjari, Dr AK Shukla, Dr PS Nagpure, Dr Kiran Wandile

Online Webinar on ‘Enhancing Student Engagement in Online Learning’

Date : 7 Aug 2020

Coordinator and resource person : Dr Anshu

Key topic : Enhancing Student Engagement in Online Learning

Number of participants : 34 faculty members from all departments

Participants : Dr Anupama Gupta, Dr Subodh S Gupta, Dr Dilip Gupta, Dr Chetna Maliye, Dr Ruchi Kothari, Dr Sudha Jain, Dr Abhishek Raut, Dr Arjunkumar Jakasania, Dr Anuj Mundra, Dr MS Bharambe, Dr JE Waghmare, Dr Shweta Talhar, Dr Shuchi Jain, Dr Kiran Wandile, Dr Ramesh Kumar Pandey, Dr Ashwini Kalantri, Dr Vijay Gujar, Dr Vandana Wankhede, Dr Satish Kumar, Dr Sucheta Tidke, Dr Kanchan Mohod, Dr Pranita Waghmare, Dr Vinod Shende, Dr Sachin Pawar, Dr Devesh Gosavi, Dr Sonia Jain, Dr Bharati Taksande, Dr Amrish Saxena, Dr Ranjana Kale, Dr Ruchita Attal, Dr Deepashri Maraskolhe, Dr Vijayshree Deotale, Dr Pramod Kumar, Dr Smita Jategaonkar

Curriculum Implementation Support Programme (CISP) Workshop (as per MCI guidelines)

Date : 27-29 May 2019

Coordinator : Dr PV Shivkumar, Dr A Gupta

Resource person : Dr S Kumar, Dr PV Shivkumar, Dr S Singh, Dr J Jain

Key topic : Ice breaking and introduction of participants and faculty, Program evaluation and feedback on implementation, Definition of competency, Difference between competency, objectives & outcomes (with examples), Introduction to CBME, Salient differences from conventional model, Time frame, training methods, integration, assessment, new additions like Foundation Course, formative feedback, Concept, components, timeframe & examples, Designing time table, How to link national health needs to competencies and objectives, Concept, framework & group activity, Principles as relevant to CBME, assessment methods, Demonstrate linking of competency with domains of learning using the competency, Competency acquisition, Skills lab: Training and faculty development, Hands-on experience-group work, small groups work with faculty, emphasis on proper alignment, discuss relevant TL methods, Concept of electives, Purpose, mission and objectives & booklet review, Concept, framework (using examples from competency table)

Number of participants : 25

Participants : Dr MR Shende, Dr JE Waghmare, Dr V Wankhede, Dr AR Chaudhari, Dr S Pajai, Dr N Bansod, Dr S Pawar, Dr R Kothari, Dr V Shende, Dr K Mohod, Dr IL Khandekar, Dr PN Murkey, Dr SK Varma, Dr DD Gosavi, Dr A Gupta, Dr Anshu, Dr V Deotale, Dr D Maraskolhe, Dr AM Mehendale, Dr SS Gupta, Dr B Taksande, Dr S Yelwatkar, Dr DO Gupta, Dr S Jain, Dr N Gangane

Training on writing specific learning objectives (SLO)

Date : 30 Jul 2019

Coordinator and resource person : Dr A Gupta

Key topic : Writing SLOs

Number of participants : 71 faculty members from all departments

Workshop on developing good study skills

Date : 24 Aug 2019

Coordinators : Dr A Gupta, Dr A Deshmukh

Resource person : Dr VB Shivkumar, Dr Anshu, Dr Subodh Gupta, Dr A Deshmukh, Dr JE Waghmare, Dr A Gupta, Dr V Jain

Key topic : Habits of successful people; Why do I forget what I study, Understanding how do we learn: metacognition; speed reading; concept maps; Cornell note taking; Time management; Imbibing clinical skills in wards; how to handle examinations

Number of participants : 37 undergraduate students from 2017 MBBS batch

Participants : Khushi Agroya, Ashish Sharma, AnandBafna, Rahul Beria, Sheena Betharia, Samrudhi Bhalgat, Bhoma Ram, Nikhil Biradar, Shubham Deshmukh, Isha Deshpande, Hrishikesh Dhande, Pranali Gawai, Sayali Gidh, Yashika Hande, Shreeshti Hiware, Jayant Diwakar, Kartik Pal, Shrikrishna Lokhande, Muskan Mathur, Naga Nimisha Indugu, Shambhuraje Patil, Pinky, Pragati Parihar, Dhara Rathi, Gunjan Rathi, Rhythm, Poornima Sahuji, Ganesh Sarda, Satish Zungare, Sourabh Sharma, Prerna Shelke, Shiju Sivaraman, Supriya Shinde, Priya Singh, Stuti Kumar, Suryadev A Vrindavanam, Lucy Thomas, Radha Tompey, Eesha Vaidya, Vashishtha Zade

Breaking Patterns, Creating Change (Theatre Workshop for Humanities)

Date : : 17-18 Jul 2019

Coordinator and resource person : Dr A Gupta

Resource person : Dr Radha Ramaswamy, Centre for Community Dialogue and Change (CCDC), Bengaluru

Key topic : Breaking our set patterns of thought or behaviour and changing perception, Building of Community, developing skills of creative expression, narration and interpretation, understanding group dynamics, building trust, exploring oneself, group presentations

Number of participants : 25

Participants : JE Waghmare, Shweta Talhar, Nishant Bansod, Pranita Kamble, Leena Chimurkar, PR Zopate, A Gupta, Ruchita Attal, Anshu, Arjunkumar Jakasania, Samir Yelwatkar, Vishakha Jain, Dilip Gupta, Ashok Ramji Singh, Pratiksha Sonkusale, Kshirod Mishra, Pramod Kumar, Sudha Jain, Kiran Wandile, Abhishek V. Raut, Kalyani Joshi, Puja Hingorani-Bang, Jayant Sonone, Dhananjay Ghodke, SS Gupta

Sessions on Developing Good Study Skills during the Orientation Camp

Date : 11-15 Sep 2018

Coordinator : Dr SS Gupta

Resource Person : Anshu, Hingorani-Bang P, Deshmukh A, Gupta A, Raut A, Gupta SS, Goswami S

Key topic : Knowing how you learn, Why do I forget what I study?, Personal and professional development, Speed reading, Cornell note taking, Concept maps, Learning in teams

Number of participants : 100 students of I MBBS (2018 batch)

Last Modified: Tuesday 23 July 2024.

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