Dilip Gupta

Director-Professor & Head

Dr Dilip Gupta graduated from MGIMS and obtained his MS (Surgery) from MGIMS in 1989. He subsequently joined Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi where he worked in the departments of Pediatric Surgery and Neurosurgery.  He joined MGIMS in 1991, and received training in endoscopic urologic surgery.  His areas of interest are in oncology, urology, and Pediatric Surgery besides medical education. A faculty in the medical education cell at MGIMS, he was awarded fellowship of Association of Rural Surgeons of India (ASRI): he is also a Governing Council member, Vice Chairman Academic Council and Editor of Journal of ARSI.

He is life member of Association of Surgeons of India, Association of Rural Surgeons of India, Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India, Indian Medical Association (Past President), Indian Red Cross Society (Past Secretary). He is also executive body member of Indian Assoc. of Academic Surgeons. He has co authored a chapter in Manual of Oncology for Undergraduates with Dr MG Deo and edited Manual on Surgical Emergencies and Critical Care. He has published 23 research papers, has organized National/ state level CMEs and conferences at MGIMS.

An examiner for several Universities and Diplomat of National Board (DNB) examination, he is also a member of the syllabus committee of MUHS for Surgery.


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Last Modified: Tuesday 23 July 2024.

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