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Vacancy for post of Dean

A) Application are invited for filling up the following posts in the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences
1 DEAN -- -- -- -- -- 1
B) Qualification & Experience
Post(s) Qualification & Experience

A) Recognized post graduate medical qualification and other academic qualification from a recognized Institution.

B) Minimum 10 years teaching experience as Professor/Associate Professor/ Reader in a Medical College/Institute.  Out of which at least five years should be as Professor in a department, preference for the appointment may be given to the Heads of the Department

C) General Notes
  1. Horizontal Reservation for Ladies as per Govt. rules and Persons with Disabilities Reservation as per GR dt. 27/4/2011 & 4/8/2011
  2. Candidates applying for reserve category post(s) should submit caste certificate & caste validity certificate and also recent non-creamy layer certificate, wherever applicable.
  3. The benefits of reservation shall be admissible to the backward class/ category candidates who are domiciled in the state of Maharashtra only.
  4. Age limit & Educational Qualifications shall be considered up-to last date of the application & experience shall be considered up-to earlier day of the interview.
  5. The decision taken by MUHS authorities regarding essential qualifications and experience shall be applicable, from time to time.
  6. Qualified teacher above the age of 64 years will be considered for appointment of 1-1 years as per respective council norms.
  7. Pay Scale is as per rule
  8. Application along-with attested copies of all relevant certificates must reach to the college on or before: 16/04/2018
D) Other Notes: (College Level)

Candidate has to observe Code of Conduct which are : a) Maintenance of absolute integrity & Devotion to duty, b) Participation in community activities such as prayer and shramdan, c) Eschewing smoking, alcoholic drinks, intoxicating drugs and non vegetarian food, d) Wearing of certified khadi, e) Non observance of untouchability, f) Equal respect for all religions and languages.

Apply to the Secretary, Kasturba Health Society’s, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Po.Sevagram, Dist. Wardha 442102 Maharashtra on prescribed format along with attested copies of certificates and experience certificates.

Application Proforma

Swachhata Pakhwada April 2024
Last Modified: Saturday 08 February 2025.

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